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February 2017

  • So what is the difference between Discernment and Judgment?

    Posted on Thu, 16 February 2017

    “The practice of discernment is part of higher consciousness. Discernment is not just a step up from judgement. In life’s curriculum it is the opposite of judgment. Through judgement, a man reveals what he still needs to confront and learn. Through discernment, he reveals what he has mastered.”

    Man’s original sin was judgement. That is the only sin which a pure and innocent soul can commit. The immediate, inevitable, and unavoidable consequence of judgment is separation from the object of your judgment and from God… Judgments have a way of expanding and multiplying until separation from God becomes a real and monumental problem.”
    Love without End – Glenda Green

    When you judge someone, you hurt. You hurt out loud. You hurt yourself and the thing or person you are judging. When you judge, it is usually because you feel...Read More

January 2017

  • Are you running your life or is your life running you?

    Posted on Fri, 20 January 2017

    Do you increasingly feel at the mercy of inner and outer conflicts that you believe are beyond your understanding or control? Whether you are aware of it or not, the various pressures imposed by your home and work environments take a daily toll on your physical and emotional well-being. When these are accompanied by low self-esteem, avoiding difficulties, or denial that there are any problems, the consequences can be very damaging to your relationships, to work, and, most importantly, to yourself. Your distress or discomfort may not just manifest itself in feelings of victimization and powerlessness, however unwanted habits and addictions are also a strong signal to yourself and others that all is not well. Taking control of your life means deciding that you are going to be the "driver" and not simply...Read More

  • Blocks To Becoming Alive Series - Holding On When It’s Time To Let Go

    Posted on Thu, 12 January 2017

    At some point in your life, you have to simply let go of the past… whether its letting go of a job where you feel like you’re dying a slow death, a business that no longer brings toy any kind of fulfilment, a relationship that was really over a years ago, or an expensive piece of jewellery that was given to you by your former mother-in-law.

    When you let go, you create space for something infinitely better to come into your life.

    So why is it that we make the mistake of holding on?

    There is only one reason: fear.

    We think to ourselves things like…

    “What if I let go of this job and then the management change happens that turns this company into a wonderful place to work?”

    “What if he leaves that husband stealer and comes back to me, and he’s upset that I got rid of the necklace that his mother gave me?”

    Really? Is that how you want to live...Read More

February 2016

  • Making your own Gratitude Jar!

    Posted on Fri, 12 February 2016

    I decided to make one last winter in 2015 and OH MY, did it bring tonnes of magic into my life!! Seriously!

    I can honestly say there have been SO MANY things to be grateful for the past year. Yes, I do generally connect easier with anything magical thanks to the work I do and the lifestyle I lead, however, I do believe this jar has been a massive 'trigger' or 'activator' for even more magic to come in!

    How it Works?

    Firstly, you take time Regularly to Notice and Be Grateful for things that make you happy and this allows more of what makes you happy to be drawn to you. Secondly, as you see the jar fill up you begin to believe more and more that absolutely Everything and Anything IS Possible indeed - and again more amazingness comes in!

    So why not make your own Gratitude Jar experiment this year and see what happens? Become your own Magic Magnet!


    1) Take an empty...Read More

May 2015

  • Living Beyond Fear – Grace (Part Two)

    Posted on Tue, 26 May 2015

    Everything you would like to experience in Life is just beyond F.E.A.R.

    False Evidence Appearing Real.

    This article is the second of two parts exploring Grace - that life-bestowing, love-bestowing power of the universe. When we resist change and hold on too tightly to the status quo, it’s very hard for grace to be present in our lives. Read part one here.

    When we understand that the nature of life is change, we can stop resisting the inevitable changes, big and small, and learn to surrender to the natural movement in our inner and outer world.

    Take a moment each morning before you jump into your daily activity. Open yourself up to a higher power than your own thoughts, your own fears, and your own limited vision to resist life less and flow more. Whether your prayer is in Sanskrit or Spanish or English or simply the wordless language of the heart, it will act as an...Read More


Let Pennie take you on a journey, a rich fascinating journey into self, trust her implicit and surrender to her wisdom, love and knowledge. even in doubt and resistance, keep trusting, as that's where the real growth begins. She will always have your best interests at heart and pertain to your true inner needs. The needs you can't even access. Her depth of insight is second to none, just let her serve you, guide you and show you the way to reach your inner gold..your true authentic self.

Amy Gower, HR

I went to Holistic Show at Kempton at the end of May 2015 and decided to have a Reiki and Reflexology treatment at Acorn to Oak's Stand. WOW. I feel good wish it could go on and on I would definately recommend this.

Ann Walker, Unemployed
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