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Living Beyond Fear – Grace (Part Two)

Tue, 26 May 2015

Everything you would like to experience in Life is just beyond F.E.A.R.

False Evidence Appearing Real.

This article is the second of two parts exploring Grace - that life-bestowing, love-bestowing power of the universe. When we resist change and hold on too tightly to the status quo, it’s very hard for grace to be present in our lives. Read part one here.

When we understand that the nature of life is change, we can stop resisting the inevitable changes, big and small, and learn to surrender to the natural movement in our inner and outer world.

Take a moment each morning before you jump into your daily activity. Open yourself up to a higher power than your own thoughts, your own fears, and your own limited vision to resist life less and flow more. Whether your prayer is in Sanskrit or Spanish or English or simply the wordless language of the heart, it will act as an invitation for grace to enter in. Ask for guidance, ask for signs, ask for direction, and it will come.

Learn to call upon the magic of grace to show you the way. Even if you don't believe in it, try it. You'll be amazed at what happens. Whenever you feel like you've temporarily lost your sense of direction or have cut yourself off from the current of goodness, don't panic. Just resist a little bit less, flow a little bit more, ask for help, and you'll be amazed at where you'll be taken.


Now Is the Moment You’ve Been Waiting for


When is the right moment for you to begin surrendering to the changes that are already beginning to unfold in your life, the changes you know you need to make? Now. Now is the moment you've been waiting for. It is the perfect moment. There is no better moment. You can take a really bold approach and actually invite change into your life. Just put out an invitation to the universe: 

I am opening myself to receive whatever growth and changes you have in store for me. 

You can also go inside and tap into your own inner wisdom that is waiting to point you in the right direction. To do this, take a few deep breaths until you feel your body begin to relax. Let all the tension go. Now, ask yourself these questions:


  • "In what area of my life right now do I feel the need for some change?"
  • "What area has been trying to change, but I've been resisting?"
  • “What fear is holding me back?”
  • “Why am I denying myself Love and Joy?”


Did you hear some answers? Of course you did. You see, you already know these things. You know the areas where change is trying to invite you to dance with it. So accept the invitation. When you release your tight hold on life, it will move and flow in new directions and take you to increasingly deeper levels of joy and fulfilment. It's only going to lead you to something greater. It's only going to lead you to something more.

Find the courage you need to leap. You may not be ready to take your biggest leap. That's okay. Start out with small ones. But leap now!

A little while ago I discovered a spider trapped behind the skirting board in the corner of my bedroom. The spider was moving very slowly, as if it had been stuck there for a long time, unable to nourish itself. "Don't worry" I said, "I'll get you out." I took a tissue in my hand, and attempted to gently scoop up the spider so I could put it outside in the garden. But the spider obviously thought I was trying to attack it and ran back into the dark. "I won't hurt you," I promised, trying again to lift the spider up. And again the spider fought me, wildly waving its legs, rolling into a ball. 

Suddenly, I noticed that the spider wasn't moving. I peered at it closely and saw that it had resisted so strongly that it had killed itself. Sadly, I took the spider outside and placed it on the earth. "I wasn't trying to hurt you," I told it. "I was just trying to save you. I'm sorry you didn't understand that." In that moment, I realised "Is this how God feels about me, about all of us?" That loving force of cosmic intelligence sees us struggling, suffering, in trouble and intervenes in an attempt to move us out of danger to safety, but we resist, kicking and screaming and complaining, and wondering why we are being forced to change. We are just like that spider, who mistook a rescue mission for an attack, not realising that if he had simply surrendered to the ride, he would have found himself in a beautiful garden.

Changes are calling to you. Can you hear them?

Doors that have been closed are opening wide. Can you see them?

New pathways are appearing right before your eyes Will you follow them?


"And if not now, when?"


In my next blog I will discuss whether you’re ready, willing and able in more detail and how to embrace it more fully in your daily life.

Taken from How to do Life – the secrets to modern living, By Pennie Quaile Pearce.

Pennie is the CEO of Acorn to Oak an expert in energetics and energetic medicine, a Life Coach, author and workshop facilitator.

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I've been in many different situations and had a lot of different and amazing experiences in my life so I have a good frame of reference, but what I experienced today was off the charts. The love, joy and happiness I felt was amazing, but what took me by surprise was how safe I felt and the totally acceptance which led to inner peace and contentment. Thank-you

Judy , Entertainer

What talk you about and how you talk thrills me, when I see such a spiritually connected person delivered such a liberating message with such clarity and gentle humour I feel honoured to be able to hear you. I have also seen the spitfire of divine no nonsense and the way you can blast through ego bullshit and story telling and help people individuate from their conditioning and past trauma. I am amazed and in awe of you. Thank-you for answering the call I put out to meet a good teacher. My heart felt gratitude always.

Cooper James, NLP Master Practitioner
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