The International Schoolof Energy Medicine

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Spiritual Response Therapy (S.R.T)


We believe that the S.R.T Programme is one of the most effective tools for personal transformation available in the world today.

S.R.T researches conscious and subconscious blocks, as well as negative patterns and programming that limit your life experience. From that research the Akashic (Soul) Records can be accessed and cleared of any dysfunctional energies, patterns and programmes. It bypasses your mind and negative programming by connecting you with your inner guidance using your muscle responses and a pendulum to confirm, and act as an amplifier, as you communicate with your inner guidance using a specific set of procedures. 

S.R.T is a very specific system of researching the conscious and subconscious mind and Akashic Records. Its roots are based on the work pioneered by Robert E Detzler. However, like all ideas, it has been refined and changed to adapt to client group for which it is aimed. SRT4Life™ is unique.  Although we have the greatest respect for the Spiritual Response Association (SRA), we are not affiliated with it in anyway, nor involved with its ongoing work.  

S.R.T is quick, effective, powerful and painless.  With it you can find and release all the dysfunctional, limiting ideas, beliefs, patterns and programming and replace them with positive, loving and supportive ones.  

Acorn to Oak is passionately involved in raising the standards of Complementary Therapies by aiming at the highest levels of ethics and professionalism. We are dedicated to making the S.R.T Programme more widely known and fully accepted within the orthodox medical field, as well as more readily available to the public by providing well-trained practitioners and information. Our training is unique in the UK and sets a very high standard.  Our commitment is to be an international organisation, working at the cutting edge, acknowledged for the excellence of our training courses and for the effectiveness and skillful professionalism of our practitioners. Our intention is for our trainees to be self-responsible and free thinkers, operating with a high level of integrity and coming from the heart, as well as the mind. Acorn to Oak is a heart centred organisation that is creating a sense of family and community, combining training with individual support.


Many thanks to you Paul and Jill for a most interesting day, and it was good to meet Emma and Matthew too. I felt very relaxed afterwards, and my stiff neck was particularly relieved.

Brenda, Therapist

What can I say about the Reiki 3 Pathway to Mastership, I would highly recommend it as a continuation of your Reiki journey, if you want to learn thoroughly Acorn to Oak is for you. I cannot express enough the quality of the teaching and how you are encouraged to develop and grow to be the very best you can be, its life changing and only for the better.

Nicky Dobson, Crystal Therapist
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