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March 2017

  • Living Beyond Fear

    Posted on Fri, 31 March 2017

    Everything you would like to experience in life is just beyond F.E.A.R.

    False Evidence Appearing Real

    It is amazing the stories we get caught up in when faced with challenges, obstacles or problems that life shows us on a daily basis…the chatter starts:

    • “this is not supposed to be this way” or
    • “this shouldn’t be happening”
    • “Why me?”
    • “If I was just good enough”
    • “This is too difficult/hard”
    • “I must work hard/longer/smarter”
    • “If only this would happen”
    • “If I could just…”

    These stories lead us to building a picture of our life that’s not accurate. We spend a lot of our time, not to mention huge amounts of energy and effort to build elaborate pictures in our minds. We decide how things should look or we gather evidence from past experiences and then say “I knew that would happen…”, “This is how it’s always been…” when in reality its only happened once or twice.

    So how can we deal with this FEAR and stop it from...Read More

  • Caring for the soul takes work and commitment to self. By Pennie Quaile Pearce

    Posted on Fri, 24 March 2017

    In today’s psychologies and therapies there is often an unspoken, but clear salvational tone. If you could only learn to be assertive, loving, angry, expressive, contemplative, or thin, they imply, your troubles would be over. In the Middle ages and Renaissance ‘self-help books were cherished and revered, but were never a cure all and didn’t promise the sky. They gave recipes for good living and offered suggestions for the practical, down to earth philosophy of life… I must say I am interested in this humbler approach, one that is more accepting of human foibles.

    Jung, one of our most recent doctors of the soul, said that every psychological problem is ultimately a matter of spirit. A spiritual life of some kind is absolutely necessary for psychological ‘health’; at the same time,...Read More

  • How About Changing the Record?

    Posted on Fri, 17 March 2017

    "Complaining is a complete waste of one's energy.

    Those who complain the most accomplish the least." Robert Tew

    We all like the idea of living a happier, more contented life.

    Most of us are ready and able. But are we actually willing?

    Do we know what it takes?

    Well a good place to start is to take a look at the amount of time we spend complaining. It's a rut that we can all slip in to. But how different would life be if we cut complaining out of it altogether? Is it even possible?

    What even constitutes a complaint (also known as beefing, bellyaching and bleating)?

    According to the dictionary definition, 'a complaint is an expression of discontent, regret, pain, censure, resentment, grief, lament or faultfinding.' For many of us, it's almost an addiction, and it's so ingrained we don't even realise we're doing it.

    The Complaint/Restraint Project was set up with one simple...Read More

  • Living beyond Fear - Living in Heart space

    Posted on Fri, 3 March 2017

    Everything you would like to experience in life is just beyond F.E.A.R.

    False Evidence Appearing Real

    Living in your heart and not living in your head

    As a result of repression and suppression, you stop feeling and start trying to figuring out how you should feel, this is a non-starter you cannot think a feeling.

    Repressing your feelings is actually a safety mechanism you’ve developed over the years. Unable to cope with and express the truth about your emotions, you learn to hide those feelings deep inside and hope that they just go away. Through years of rejecting and suppressing your feelings, you start to acquire the unfortunate and unhealthy habit of automatically repressing what you perceive as the unsafe, unacceptable or confusing emotions. You learn only to express those feelings that won’t disturb or threaten your peace or others, thereby insuring...Read More

February 2017

  • Are Your Vibrations Helping or Hurting You?

    Posted on Thu, 23 February 2017

    Your personal energetic vibration could be the ONE thing holding you back from abundance, happiness and success.

    Discover how to raise it, so you can finally start living from the vibration of Love or Above.

    Why do some people have all the luck?

    Ever noticed how some uncannily ‘lucky’ people can almost effortlessly attract good things into their lives? At work, they get all the opportunities. They lead social movements in their communities. They’re spiritual, yet also have a healthy relationship with money. Their relationships are consistently blissful, and they’re always in the pink of health.

    But if you’re like most people, life is a mixture of good days and bad days. You may not be poor or sick, but you worry about your money and health a little more often than you’d like. You long for the time and freedom to live life on your own terms. You wish you...Read More


Dear Pennie I have been walking around with a big smile on my face since my session with Javier and Jessica this morning. I am so deeply grateful to all of you. With love Nerina

Nerina, Trainer

I don't think I have the words to put together to describe what I have just experienced... bloody hell I wasn't expecting that!! doesn't even come close!! What a difference a day makes, what a difference a breathwork session makes!! It brings you back to a true sense of self and unclouds your vision... the sky seems bluer, the grass greener and there is a new sense of clarity and focus... if only I had known about this sooner... this stuff should be taught to us in school...what a difference that would make. Pennie thanks again for bringing this to my attention and thanks for making a difference

Ed Tilly
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