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December 2013

  • Fund Raising for Outreach Projects

    Posted on Tue, 31 December 2013

    We have been spending sometime over the last 3 weeks running various events in order to raise some money for a couple of different Outreach Groups. The Primary one that will be re-started in the next month is The Teenage Breath4LifeTM  Breath Work which works with the young people to help, support and educate them in dealing with suppressed emotions and acting out damaging and self-destructive behaviour. The Pilot Group for teenagers was run last year was very successful, however after some thought it was broadened to encompass all young people (with necessary parental permission) and we feel that it is important to go on supporting this group and growing it so that we are able to increase the number of young people we reach.

    So here is a short write up of each event.

    Carol Singing (2013)
    After a lot of toing and froing with Trafalgar Square and Leicester Square on...Read More

October 2013

  • Distinguishing Mentor Coaching and Coaching Supervision

    Posted on Tue, 29 October 2013

    By Samuel P. Magill Sr., MCC, MBA

    This article describes key differences between mentor coaching and coaching supervision with the aim of helping coaches and organization buyers of coaching distinguish between these two important functions.  If coaching is to become a fully developed helping profession, both will be necessary. They are not, however, synonyms for the same work.

    Similarities between mentor coaching and coaching supervision – a source of confusion

    Mentoring and supervising are adjuncts to the development of capable coaches and they share many skills and attributes. They both:

    Depend on powerful relationships with clients.

    Require experience and maturity from the person offering the service.

    Support the coach in becoming a better coach.

    Offer reflective questions and exploration of issues.

    Provide...Read More

  • Discernment vs. Judgement

    Posted on Mon, 7 October 2013

    “The practice of discernment is part of higher consciousness.  Discernment is not just a step up from judgement.  In life’s curriculum it is the opposite of judgment.  Through judgement, a man reveals what he still needs to confront and learn.  Through discernment, he reveals what he has mastered.”

    Man’s original sin was judgement. That is the only sin which a pure and innocent soul can commit.  The immediate, inevitable, and unavoidable consequence of judgment is separation from the object of your judgment and from God…  Judgments have a way of expanding and multiplying until separation from God becomes a real and monumental problem.”
    Love without End – Glenda Green

    When you judge someone, you hurt.  You hurt out loud.  You hurt yourself and the thing or person you are judging.  When you judge, it...Read More

  • A Time of Awakening

    Posted on Mon, 7 October 2013

    The world has now come fully into the information age. There is now so much information that even with the fastest computers, it is difficult to keep up. Along with this tremendous expansion, it seems, simultaneously, that the world is shrinking. Everyday we watch as events occurring on the other side of our planet appear live on the television screens in our living rooms and begin to feel more akin to one another than in times past.  I will never forget coming home for lunch on September 11th 2001. I made some lunch and sat down to watch the news, after the news had finished I left the TV on for the usual programming, which I don’t usually do.  The programme was interrupted for a news flash and my instant thought was that the Queen Mother had died; I sat horrified as the pictures of the first aircraft flew into the twin towers of the world trade building in New York showed on the...Read More

July 2013

  • The Hidden Truths in the Bhagavad Gita

    Posted on Mon, 29 July 2013

    Excerpts from Paramahansa Yogananda's highly acclaimed two-volume commentary on the Bhagavad Gita:
    God Talks With Arjuna­—The Bhagavad Gita: Royal Science of God-Realization

    The Bhagavad Gita: A Universal Scripture

    The timeless and universal message of the Gita is all-encompassing in its expression of truth.

    Gold Lotus Long

    Bhagavad Gita means "Song of the Spirit," the divine communion of truth-realization between man and his Creator, the teachings of Spirit through the soul, that should be sung unceasingly…. The underlying essential truths of all great world scriptures can find common amity in the infinite wisdom of the Gita's mere 700 concise verses.

    Gold Lotus Long

    The entire knowledge of the cosmos is packed into the Gita. Supremely profound, yet couched in revelatory language of solacing beauty and simplicity, the Gita has been understood and applied on all levels of...Read More


I have really enjoyed the group dynamic of the course - the fact that I can bring anything to the group and not be judged... it was a real safe space. This was absolutely invaluable :) Also learnt a lot from having people with different experiences and different... levels (not sure how to phrase this) of spirituality. So I am fairly new to this work, but having Amy etc, as well as Pennie present really helped. Some of the interactions between Pennie and the advanced level practitioners was really insightful, and made me reflect on my own behaviour, ie there was stuff that was pointed to the practitioner and the issues they were going through, but also it helped me notice behaviours in myself that I was not aware of, so I got extra gold out of it. I feel like I have grown a lot over the last year and am much better equipped to handle life's ups and downs, especially in comparison with the old me.... and that is due to the breathwork and the things I have learnt. This whole process has been really invaluable. The format of the day was good.. nothing felt rushed and ample time left for discussion and theory and breathwork.

Yaquta Pacha

Wanted to gain knowledge and experience to help guide my clients to manifest cleanly and accurately. What an amazing course and an amazing technique. It was delivered in such a way that I learnt so much and gained such tools as well as such rich experiences and stories to tell. It's fantastic when you are taught by such an expert that makes it seem effortless and so much fun. Thank-you for guiding us through demystifying how to manifest with joy and laughter. You did a great job Pennie. Awesome :D

Grace Instaff, Coach
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