The International Schoolof Energy Medicine

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December 2017

  • Time to reflect

    Posted on Sun, 17 December 2017

    Wow! It’s almost time to wave goodbye to yet another year. As I look forward to a few weeks break from writing, I offer you a final post for the year – one that could honestly change your life.

August 2017

  • My experience with Breath4LifeTM Breath Work By Tina Lews

    Posted on Fri, 11 August 2017

    Pennie ask me to write a blog about my experiences with Breath4LifeTM Breath Work because I had asked what I could do to help with Pennie’s vision of getting Breath4LifeTM Breath Work out to people who really need to know that there is a therapy that really works. My name is Tina and I’m 26yrs old and have been struggling with depression, anxiety and problems with eating since I was 13 years. A friend of the family told me a little bit about her experience of Breath4LifeTM Breath Work – so I thought I’d give it a try- I felt it was my last hope really – I’ve been through counselling and the CBT route, which I felt was like trying to stick a plaster over a gaping wound – not much good in my opinion. Psychotherapy also didn’t do it for me and my psychiatrist a waste of space quite frankly all he wanted to do was get my diagnosis...Read More

  • Breath4Life™ Breath Work : The Therapy That Channeled My Anger and Transformed My Life

    Posted on Fri, 4 August 2017

    Matthew is a builder from Woking in Surrey, who runs a small property development firm.

    Matthew had struggled for many years with debilitating deep-rooted anger and depression, heightened by drug addiction. The source of which he has only recently begun to understand and accept, using simple yet life changing techniques.

    In Matthew’s own words,

    I was in so much pain. If things hadn’t changed, I would not be here today.’

    When Matthew discovered Breath4Life Breath Work at the age of 29, his life was transformed beyond recognition.

    Matthew has agreed to share his very personal and touching story.

    Self-destruction and an all-time low

    From an early age I had been a particularly angry individual. By the late teens I was heavily addicted to drugs as a way to cope with life. I was...Read More

July 2017

  • The Hidden Power of Breath

    Posted on Fri, 28 July 2017

    Breath4LifeTM Breath Work - a cutting edge technology?

    Breath work can mean different things to different people, but in its simplest form, it is the practice of using some type of conscious breathing technique to enhance physical, emotional and spiritual health. It can be combined with other techniques such as meditation or used as a stand-alone practice.

    According to Dr Andrew Weil, the breath functions as a link between the unconscious and conscious mind, as a tool to influence the involuntary nervous system, and as a technique to decrease anxiety and increase spiritual awareness and development. It grounds the mind, body and spirit and increases the communication pathways between mind and body. I would add that it can also be used to relieve pain and increase creativity and intuition.

    For both those who have an existing health condition and those embracing prevention, the breath is a...Read More

  • The Adrenals, Small and Mighty Glands with a Big Job

    Posted on Fri, 14 July 2017

    The adrenals are small glands that sit on top of each kidney. They control hormones like DHEA, adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol. These glands are known as the stress glands because they help one to respond to stress using a cascade of hormones. If there is stress a high cortisol situation may arise. High cortisol is linked to a larger waistline, increased incidence of a stroke and alzheimer’s disease. Low cortisol and adrenal output is called adrenal fatigue. This can happen for a number of reasons. Adrenal fatigue is not a disease but a collection of symptoms. In the clinic we see more and more cases of adrenal fatigue.

    Some common symptoms of adrenal fatigue are:

    • difficulty waking, fatigue not helped by sleep and waking unrefreshed
    • craving for salt and salty foods, craving more alcohol and coffee
    • lack of energy where everything...Read More


I had a reflexology treatment at the show which I would highly recommend to everyone

Catherine Grove, Angel worker

I recently attended the Acorn to Oak online training Clear the Ancestral Trauma of the 7 Generations. It was a great day, filled with insights, healing and remembrance of who I authentically am. At the end of the training I could feel the change within me and felt so good to accept it. Highly recommend the course.

Adina Newton
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