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Living Beyond Fear – Grace (Part One)

Tue, 26 May 2015

Everything you would like to experience in Life is just beyond F.E.A.R.

False Evidence Appearing Real.

This article is an invitation to live with more Grace in your life.

SO… What is Grace? It's that life-bestowing, love-bestowing power of the universe, the mysterious way cosmic intelligence has of moving you toward more goodness, more truth, more freedom. When we resist change, hold on too tightly, and refuse to let go, it’s really difficult for grace to be present in our lives.  

I believe that God, spirit, the universal power, or whatever you call it for yourself has so much to give you, but only if you cooperate. Are you doing your part?

Maybe the universe is just working overtime for you, but you are not letting in the blessings. Maybe there's a big pile of blessings waiting for you in some cosmic storehouse, but they can't come into your life until you make the space. You may be praying, you may be doing affirmations, you may be going to therapy, attending twelve-step program meetings, reading uplifting books, but are you really cooperating by letting go of what's not serving you anymore?

Make room for grace on the physical level as well as the emotional level. Find the courage to let go of whatever doesn't serve you anymore, whether it's a relationship, your job, old possessions, or beliefs and emotions you've been clinging to. 


A wonderful tool to help you contemplate this is to ask yourself:

  • What is no longer serving me in my life that I need to release?


I know that it's scary to let go. But your fear that by letting go you will end up with nothing is groundless. Deep inside, you know this. You have no evidence in your life that this is the way things turn out. So many times when you thought you were losing something valuable, something much greater came along. So many times when you were forced to let go of something you thought you couldn't live without, you ended up with something far better than you had ever imagined was possible.

There's a wonderful exercise you can use to help remind yourself that change has been a benevolent force in your life. On the left side of a piece of paper, make a list of every time you've let go of something, or someone, willingly or unwillingly. Start from the time you were a teenager, and continue into your adult years. For instance:


  • Broke up with boyfriend when I was sixteen
  • Didn't get into the college my best friend was going to
  • Got fired from my job as an assistant to a photographer in my 1st year
  • Had to move out of my apartment when they sold the building


Then, next to each item, see if you can write down something that came along and replaced what you had lost. It may not have come right away, or in a way that you expected it to, but you will find that something did come, and in most cases, it was something better than what you'd had before.

This exercise can give you an astonishing perspective that your life truly is always growing and moving toward more. And when you're done, you will have an amazing list of blessings, surprises, and even miracles on the right side of the page!

There is a design for you and your life that is bigger than anything you could imagine. If you can just let go a little and allow the flow to move you along, you will be delivered into more joy and contentment than you could ever imagine was possible. Learning to surrender to life's flow is almost like unlearning so many of the ways you normally deal with reality. Stop resisting, stop controlling, stop manipulating, and pay attention to the changes that are being presented to you. Then ‘Keep it Real’ and tell the complete truth about how you feel about it. This will help you find the current of the river and let it take you where you need to go.

In my next article I will discuss the small steps you can take towards accepting change into your life and welcoming Grace. Read part two here.

Taken from How to do Life – the secrets to modern living, By Pennie Quaile Pearce.

Pennie is the CEO of Acorn to Oak an expert in energetics and energetic medicine, a Life Coach, author and workshop facilitator.

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I can't really believe I've worked for 10 years in general medicine and never understood how energy works and how it runs the physical structures within the body. I was attracted to this because of Pennie's huge medical background and expertise. What a eye opener and mind stretcher. My whole practice will changed because of it. Thank-you so much and my patients will thank-you also. Mind blowing and delivered in such an engaging and fun filled way.

Belinda Jolly, General Practitioner

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Julia Gibson, Hair & Beauty Therapist
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