The International Schoolof Energy Medicine

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Shamanic Breath

Duration: Weekend

Venue: TBA

Prerequisites: None

Cost: £575.00

Next Course: TBA

The Shamanic Breath Weekend is a powerful journey into self which combines 2 very modality that balances body, mind and soul through a combination of breathing, inner journeying, chakra-attuned music.

A good part of the work carried out on this weekend is setting us humans straight with the spirit world, including our Earth Mother. This can take the form of connecting to our loved ones on the other side, cleansing spaces and land, clearing our personal energy field and body of spirit intrusions, clearing the ancestral line of spirit interference, and honouring the spirit beings and ancestors. Spirits and humans…we have bonds that extend throughout time. It is vital to both of us that we be in communication and heal the broken ways for both living and non.

There is a natural way of handling relationship with this part of our spiritual nature, which has been forgotten over time. It used to be that people partook in ritual, were tended to by Shaman’s who understood the natural process of attachments, soul loss and guidance from beyond. They knew that spirit attachment is a natural occurrence that resolves itself as a person heals naturally. That speaking to our loved ones in spirit is a necessary and important healing act. When one is depressed, or experiences loss or illness, a hole in the aura opens up. Spirits with similar issues, sometimes misguided, will think they are helping, or just don’t know what else to do and attach to you. Sometimes it is more intentional, but that is rare. As you naturally heal, the hole closes up and the spirit goes away. Sometimes though, when the wound is too deep or multi layered, the spirit clings on and prevents healing. Especially when soul loss has occurred. This is when the Shaman comes in and does their work, closing up the aura and letting you heal and move on.

Who is this workshop for?

This weekend is perfect for

  • People who are new to, but interested in self-development.
  • People who are interested and committed to explore their own self - development
  • People who are interested in learning and experiencing shamanic tools

This weekend is not good for

  • People who don’t really want to change or gain more clarity.
  • People who are don’t really believe that thoughts create things
  • People who want a quick fix that takes no personal effort

What we will teach you what you will experience

  • Take part in 2 group Shamanic Breathing™ Breath Work sessions
  • Drumming
  • Shamanic rituals
  • Shamanic Journeying
  • Walking Meditation

Early Bird

Discount until March 31st 2020 at 12md then £750.


Nice one, got heaps from this training. Gaps were filled and a new love born out of knowledge and experience. Thanks

Bob Lovelace, Chef

Had a very good Indian Head Massage at Caterham Mind Body and Soul fair, Found it totally relaxing and it helpped to quiet the mind. I would definately recommend it.

Helen Bartholomew, Accountant
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