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January 2022

  • Oneness Consciousness: Are You Awakening to The Truth?

    Posted on Wed, 5 January 2022

    I’ve experienced glimpses of oneness consciousness since I was a little girl. It always came unexpectedly when I was watching TV or reading a book.

    When I was younger, I could feel white light entering my body and then I felt present and peaceful with my heart wide open. Sometimes these moments were brief; other times they could stay for a long time.

    Understanding now how the energetical system works in the body, I know that my body was getting ready to be able to anchor the frequencies of oneness.

    When I was in my teenage years, I started to feel the whole universe in my body. At will, I could feel into any electron within the universe no matter how far it was.

    This way I learned to communicate with the oneness consciousness consciously, and more importantly, I began to pull down the walls of separation that the human mind creates....Read More

March 2021

  • Homeopathy - Law of Similar’s Discovered

    Posted on Mon, 22 March 2021

    Homeopathy was born at a time when the practice of medicine was unregulated and dangerous. Those who had the misfortune to fall ill ran the risk of being dosed with toxic mixtures of lead, mercury and arsenic or being plastered with leeches. Blood-letting, purging and blistering were standard practices. For many, the cure was worse than the complaint, and they died from the treatments they received rather than the disease itself.

    It was in this milieu that Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), the founder of homeopathy, began his study of medicine. After graduating from the University of Erlangen in 1781 he established a practice as a doctor. His writings from this period show that he became increasingly disillusioned by the medical practices of the day. Concerned about harming those who came to him for help and unable to relieve the suffering of his own sick children,...Read More

  • Homeopathy - Remedies for Disasters (Part 1)

    Posted on Mon, 22 March 2021

    Floods, wars, famines, accidents, earthquakes.

    Hardly a day goes by without a disaster making headlines somewhere – they are an inescapable part of life and whether natural or man-made have always been with us.

    We’re often transfixed by the media reports of chaos visited on others but for those caught up in the disaster it may mean injuries and sickness, destruction of property, loss of loved ones, starvation, and displacement. Long after the physical wounds have healed, emotional trauma remains.

    Homoeopathy is front-line medicine at its best. It has much to offer the victims of disaster and those who rush to their aid. It is inexpensive, easily distributed, able to be safely used before other medical help arrives, and can then used beside it without interactive effects.

    Over the next three articles we will look at the remedies traditionally used in...Read More

  • Homeopathy - Remedies for Disasters (Part 3)

    Posted on Mon, 22 March 2021

    Post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) may not be as obvious as piles of rubble or burnt houses, but survivors of disaster and emergency situations can struggle to come to terms with the emotional turmoil for years.

    To conclude our series on First Response Homeopathy we’ll look at some of the remedies that bring emotional healing for the psychological trauma inflicted by disasters.

    What is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?

    PTSD is an anxiety disorder caused by either seeing, or being involved in, an emotionally traumatic event. PSTD may occur immediately after the event or many months later.

    Sufferers of PSDT often relive the event by going over and over it in their mind or through unwanted flashbacks and dreams. They may become emotionally numb, lose interest in daily activities and have a sense of hopelessness or extreme anxiety about the future....Read More

  • Homoepathy – Potentisation

    Posted on Mon, 22 March 2021

    Today, homeopathic medicines are safe for all to use. They are dispensed as highly dilute, sub-molecular remedies that are free of the chemical side effects associated with other medicines. However, this was not always so. Homeopathic remedies were once prescribed in crude chemical doses just like other medicines and were just as prone to producing side effects in those who took them. With the discovery of potentisation, however, all that changed.

    Potentisation Discovered

    For many years Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathy, could only exploit the healing effect of the Law of Similars with crude substances. While his homeopathic approach was successful compared to other treatments of the day, his new system of medicine was still troubled with the problem of side effects.For example, mercury preparations had been recognised for centuries as a successful treatment for syphilis. Unfortunately,...Read More


Wanted to relax and de-stress so had a Reiki session at Acorn to Oak's stand at the holistic show, it was very, very good...purred!! So yeah would definitely recommend to everyone

Emma Collins, Childminder

You know I had done Reiki One and Two a couple of years ago, but felt I needed to do a refresher course before I started to offer it to clients. I can't believe the difference in the courses you run... highly professional, fun, mind blowing and filled with so much love and joy...who wouldn't want to experience this...Pennie you are inspiring and looking forward to Reiki Three now x

Gabby Long, Beauty Therapist
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