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Living Beyond Fear

Fri, 31 March 2017

Everything you would like to experience in life is just beyond F.E.A.R.

False Evidence Appearing Real

It is amazing the stories we get caught up in when faced with challenges, obstacles or problems that life shows us on a daily basis…the chatter starts:

  • “this is not supposed to be this way” or
  • “this shouldn’t be happening”
  • “Why me?”
  • “If I was just good enough”
  • “This is too difficult/hard”
  • “I must work hard/longer/smarter”
  • “If only this would happen”
  • “If I could just…”

These stories lead us to building a picture of our life that’s not accurate. We spend a lot of our time, not to mention huge amounts of energy and effort to build elaborate pictures in our minds. We decide how things should look or we gather evidence from past experiences and then say “I knew that would happen…”, “This is how it’s always been…” when in reality its only happened once or twice.

So how can we deal with this FEAR and stop it from taking over and running our lives?

We need to be ruthless and disciplined with self, as soon as stories start it’s important to activate T.A.C.T.

Telling the Absolute Complete Truth

Use TACT with yourself about the situation as it arises. For example; consider fear of rejection. This can be a big obstacle for a lot of people. This fear of rejection seems to be very real and it can paralyse people into non-action. However the real problem is not rejection, it is the fear of rejection. This fear of rejection is not something that happens to you, it is something you create.

It is not real.

All that is really happening is an anticipation of emotional pain, a belief that someone may judge you, which you interpret as painful.

If you would like to know how to overcome the fear of rejection or any fear, it’s easy. Just face the truth and activate TACT. The truth is that there is very seldom any real rejection in life, even though there is a whole heap of FEAR of rejection.

In the next blog we will discuss TACT in more detail and how to use it more fully in your daily life.

Taken from How to do Life – the secrets to modern living, By Pennie Quaile Pearce.

Pennie is the CEO of Acorn to Oak and an expert in energetics and energetic medicine, a Life Coach, author and workshop facilitator.

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This was one of the most exciting and mind blowing experiences of my life so far. The awesome way the facilitating team work. The flow of one amazing experience after another. The selflessness of it all was a great example of how a true team work together to produce excellence. Going into the center of the stones at Stonehenge was a life long dream come true. So all in all it was fantastic.

Debbie Hughes, Herbal Therapist

You know I think I'd be dead or in prison by now if I'd not found Pennie or done this work. I thank God every day and I'm so very grateful. You know if you are at the end of your tether, in the shit or anger and confused then Breath Work is the thing that will turn your life around. It's fast, simple and effective just like does what it says on the tin yeah, so stop messing around and do it!

Matthew Donnachie, Builder
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