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July 2018

  • Meeting Your Soulmate IQ Test

    Posted on Tue, 31 July 2018

    Answer Yes, No or Not Sure for each question:

    • Do you believe a soulmate is out there for you?
    • Are you ready to meet your soulmate today?
    • Are you ready, willing and able to make room in your life for a committed relationship that takes daily work to grow and sustain?
    • If your soulmate had the ability to observe your life right now, would you be proud of what he or she would see?
    • Are you psychologically and physically in your best condition to meet your soulmate?
    • Have you made a list of the ten top qualities you wish your soulmate to have?
    • Do you regularly exhibit the qualities you believe your soulmate would find attractive?
    • Do you want to attract a spiritual companion or someone who will save you from loneliness?
    • Are there past lovers who still have their energetic hooks in you, or are yours still in them?
    • Are you at peace with the possibility you may never meet your soulmate? (Do you truly...Read More
  • Life is an unceasingly creative process

    Posted on Mon, 30 July 2018

    I often hear people talk about or bemoan the fact they are uncreative, they are unaware that we are all creating our very lives in every moment of every day. Most of us are living as though life were happening to us rather than through us. We are not present to the fact that we are constantly generating our lives, as though they were great works of art. The tools we are given which to create, are our thoughts, beliefs, assumptions actions, decisions and words.

    When we would like to create something that we do not yet possess, we stand inside of fear, rather than come from a place of possibility. Instead of owning our readiness to expand into love, we are contracted and anxious. Even the idea of moving into a consciousness of possibility can feel scary. We don’t want to be disappointed. Were afraid that if we ask for what we would like to experience, we may be...Read More

  • Neediness, What you would like and how to have what you want.

    Posted on Sun, 29 July 2018

    I understand that many of us carrying around unhealed wounds from the past that occur in the present as neediness. We feel as though we have to hide our needs, fearing that they will engulf anyone who gets too close. Yet in our effort not to appear inappropriately needy, many of us have tried to shut down our needs entirely. The appropriate needs get thrown together with inappropriate ones and we swallow them all. Yet this, in turn only creates more hunger because it’s simply not normal for us to not have needs in our relationships with others. When we try to pretend that our needs don’t exist or treat them as though they were pathological we only feed the hunger in our heart that more intensely.

    Human beings are not meant to live in isolation. We are here to have relationships. Nothing much gets accomplished in life...Read More

  • Don't let apathy get you... Be the world's best lover

    Posted on Sat, 28 July 2018

    George Bernard Shaw once said that our “… worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them.” Most of us don’t walk around harbouring strong negative emotions such as loathing or rage. Yet the challenge for many is to overcome the apathy and indifference we have toward one another; to be available and attentive to those we pass in the aisle while out shopping at the supermarket, the co-workers we see daily in the hallways of our offices, the fellow travellers on the bus or train on our daily commutes and those acquaintances we regularly notice in our social and/or spiritual circles.

    Our sense of community is fostered readily in the aftermath of any tragedy. Yet a sense of belonging must be cultivated and valued in and of itself for us to feel truly fulfilled in our lives. Einstein...Read More

  • Don't kill the messenger!!!

    Posted on Thu, 26 July 2018

    Not too long ago, when a messenger brought bad news or news that a king or queen didn’t want to hear, their lives were at stake as these depots took out their uncontrollable rage on the messenger. This was never helpful to the situation, and people became nervous of and never wanted to be volunteered to become such a messenger.

    Being a guide can feel a little bit like that on occasions as you commit to serving others. So being a guide is much like being a river boat captain. When people join you on the boat, they expect you to keep them safe. They will love you when things are movng in the way they like and appreciate the scenery they see. When the rapids hit, they will cling to you and pray you will see them through and gasp with appreciation at your skill and knowledge of the river (life, the universe and where we all fit within it) Then, they hit blame when the journey takes too...Read More


I would highly recommend that you attend one of Acorn to Oak's trainings they are incredible, professional, fun, full of laughter, kindness, love. It feels like a coming's the first time in a long time where I was able to truly relax and be myself... Pennie and the team Thank-you so much

Diana Wells, Beauty Therapist

I enjoyed the Reiki Treatment which was very good and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to relax and feel calmer.

J Surry, PA
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