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Don't let apathy get you... Be the world's best lover

Sat, 28 July 2018

George Bernard Shaw once said that our “… worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them.” Most of us don’t walk around harbouring strong negative emotions such as loathing or rage. Yet the challenge for many is to overcome the apathy and indifference we have toward one another; to be available and attentive to those we pass in the aisle while out shopping at the supermarket, the co-workers we see daily in the hallways of our offices, the fellow travellers on the bus or train on our daily commutes and those acquaintances we regularly notice in our social and/or spiritual circles.

Our sense of community is fostered readily in the aftermath of any tragedy. Yet a sense of belonging must be cultivated and valued in and of itself for us to feel truly fulfilled in our lives. Einstein suggests, in order for us to transcend the delusion of separateness we must learn to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in all its beauty.

Mother Teresa said, "The biggest disease today is not leprosy or tuberculosis, but rather the feeling of being unwanted, uncared for and deserted by everyone". I tend to agree; however, I would also say it's our apathy for ourselves and others that doesn't help.

So, what can we do? For those of us who wish to break through this pathology... start caring... for yourself, for others, for animals, for the planet. Pick something to be passionate about and enjoy becoming a carer of it. Be the world's best lover for it and watch the amazing changes it brings into your life. Have a great day. In Divine Friendship.


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What I enjoyed most during this session was realising and learning how to recognise different emotions and how to deal with pent up anger in a safe way. I would like to learn more and would like to hear you speak again. Thank-you Pennie

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