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April 2013


    Posted on Mon, 29 April 2013

    (SRF Basic instructions, with an exercise in visualization)


    Meditation is the science of reuniting the soul with Spirit.  The soul, descending from God into flesh, manifests its consciousness and life force through seven chakras, or centres of light, in man's cerebrospinal axis. (These are the "seven stars" and "seven churches" spoken of by St. John in the little-understood book of Revelation in the Bible.) Encased in the bodily prison, the soul consciousness and life force become identified with the physical vehicle and its mortal limitations.  Scientific meditation awakens the soul consciousness in the seven cerebrospinal centres.  In a state of divine recollectedness, the soul intuitively realises its immortal nature and origin.  The various progressive states of soul awakening are accompanied by an ever increasing accession of inner peace and joy.  In the most...Read More

  • Tips for Letting go of Anxiety

    Posted on Fri, 19 April 2013

    Anxiety is a serious condition that affects the lifestyles, job performance and self-confidence of millions of people, including those who have been diagnosed with panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, social phobias and obsessive-compulsive disorders. But even if you have not been clinically diagnosed, anxiety can still inhibit your brain’s ability to deal with stressful situations.

    From relationship stress to problems at work or school, to personal issues with body image, goal setting or feelings of accomplishment, anxiety manifests itself in the form of physical tension, poor sleeping habits, body aches, nervous tics, negativity, and other unfortunate side effects. While you may not be able to completely cure your anxiety on your own, here are 7 ways that you can arm yourself against anxiety and worry.

    1. Check in with yourself periodically. It’s easy to...Read More

  • Raw-food Carrot Cake

    Posted on Tue, 16 April 2013

    I've just tried this cake OMG it was lovely so thought I'd's well worth a try

    Celebrate with a healthy cake!

    When you’re looking for that sweet treat to celebrate, try out this healthy and delicious recipe for a raw food carrot cake! It is gluten, sugar and diary free and contains only natural ingredients. It’s simple to do and requires no cooking!

    Cake ingredients

    • 6 large carrots
    • 1 3/4 cups sunflower seeds
    • 2 1/4 cups of pitted dates
    • 2 3/4 cups shredded coconut
    • 1 1/2 teaspoons grated nutmeg
    • 3 teaspoons ground cinnamon

    ‘Icing’ ingredients

    • 1 1/2 cups cashew nuts
    • Juice of 1 lemon (about 2 tablespoons)
    • 2 tablespoons agave syrup or raw honey
    • 1/2 cup of water as required

    To make the cake

    • Roughly grate the carrots in a food processor, (or juice the carrots and use the pulp)
    • Place the grated carrots or carrot pulp in a large bowl.
    • Use a food processor or coffee...Read More

March 2013

  • The Principles of Chi Kung

    Posted on Tue, 19 March 2013

    1. Regulate Mind.

    This means to quiet the mind, to focus it. It is the practice of meditative awareness. We develop this through a number of methods, for example: “breath watching,” “counting breaths” or “listening inward.” You can also quiet the mind by meditating

    on certain energy centres in the body, for example: the ‘Tan Tien’.

    (This is the centre of gravity in your body: just below the navel and about one third the way in toward your spine.)

    You can also concentrate on a picture of a saint or your guru; you can stare at a flame, or the moon, or any natural scene. You can also repeat a word, a phrase, or a healing mantra. And there are many other forms of meditation.

    2. Regulate Body.

    This basically means relaxing in to different poses and postures. It can also mean practicing certain movement s, such as those taught in “tai...Read More

  • Wonderful story to share

    Posted on Tue, 5 March 2013

    My daughter Laura who is 11 came home today from school with a friend and two police officers.

    During her journey home from school her friend had been pushed in front of a bus by 2 girls that they both know and at times friends with. Thankfully there was no physical harm however the girl was badly shaken and very emotional. As they were nearing home they saw 2 police officers walking by and laura decided that it was important to tell them, so they did and came to our home.
    Later when i praised Laura for having the courage to do that her response was "its because of all that reiki stuff you do that i could do that, if you didnt do that i would have told you and asked you to tell them".

    The last time Laura had a hands on treatment was about 3 years ago and when offered she always refuses, today however is testament to the true power of reiki and its principles...Read More


Went to Pennie's talk Why is this happening to me again. Wow, I enjoyed the whole experience, it was very imformative and interesting. I love the examples of patterns and how we build them up in your lives. Would really like to try Breathwork and see whether it will work for me. Thank-you very much. Loved the humour and sense of fun you shared.

Toby Reid

Went to Penni's talk "Why is this happening to me again?" I enjoyed the way you put imformation across in a lively, down to earth way. I would like to hear you talk again.

Lynn Bradford
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