The International Schoolof Energy Medicine

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Spiritual Response Therapy (Basic Level)


Venue: TBA

Prerequisites: None

Cost: TBA

Next Course: TBA

Who is this course for?

This is for anyone who wishes to learn about and explore energetic intelligence, mental wellbeing and spiritual awareness. So what does that really mean? This course is a great way to start to explore the bigger picture, get to know yourself and deal with obstacles that are in the way of you achieving what you want in life. It helps you recognise and deal with self-destructive or limiting patterns of behaviour that have held you hostage.

What will You teach?

During the foundation course we will talk about and discuss the theory and practice of its origins and applications. We will also cover:-

  • Introduction: What is Spiritual Response Therapy?
  • Why are programmes so powerful?
  • What does clearing do?
  • The system.
  • High Self -the Father within.
  • Levels of Consciousness
  • Conscious Mind
  • Subconscious Mind
  • Superconscious Mind
  • Using The Pendulum
  • The Higher Self
  • Working With The Pendulum

The Thirteen Reasons, The Keys to unlocking patterns.

(1) Inheritance

(2) ldentification

(3) Imprint

(4) Experience/Trauma

(5) Benefit

(6) Conflict

(7) Self-Punishment

(8) Organ Language –

(9) Past Lives

(10) Past Lives Other Dimensions

(11) Future lives

(12) Discarnates, Low vibrational energies

(13) Fear

How Is the course structured?

Each of the 3 days are designed specifically for the participant to gain knowledge, personal insights and clear personal issues and limiting patterns. This includes: Theoretical content, Opportunities for personal exploration and clearing. Installation of high vibrational energy and opportunities to learn good energetic hygiene.


Went to Penni's talk "Why is this happening to me again?" I enjoyed the way you put imformation across in a lively, down to earth way. I would like to hear you talk again.

Lynn Bradford

I went to a Reiki Share with Pennie and Luke and gave and received a Reiki Treatment. I had never had Reiki before, so I wanted to experience it. It was very positive and amazing. I felt at peace and could feel the energy moving around my body, it was very relaxing and I would recommend it going to a Reiki Share to anyone who has an interest in it.

Helen Greens, Mother
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