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May 2019

  • Watch Your Thoughts for They Become Your Destiny - Being positive is accepting reality, not idealising it

    Posted on Fri, 3 May 2019

    “Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
    Watch your words, for they become actions.
    Watch your actions, for they become habits.
    Watch your habits, for they become your character.
    And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.’

    — Frank Outlaw

    What we think, we become.

    Reality is not neutral. We are always passing judgment on what happens around us and to us. You and I can face the same event yet will react differently—our thoughts are what shapes our reality, not the other way around.

    That’s why most people suggest we think positively—it has become an oversimplified approach to make us feel better. Sometimes “Be positive” can be terrible advice.

    Telling someone who’s sad or depressed that positive thoughts will change their...Read More

April 2019

  • Why use Breath4Life™ Breath Work? What makes it so powerful and unique?

    Posted on Mon, 29 April 2019

    Acorn to Oak is a holistic and spiritual organisation, based in UK. Founded in 1998 by Pennie Quaile-Pearce SRN RSCN MA MSc LCH RMA Cert Ed. Pennie is the creator and main tutor for Breath4Life Breath Work.

    Why use Breath4Life Breath Work?

    The breath is our fuel for living, without which we wouldn’t survive. Many of us rarely acknowledge how we breathe, despite it being the building block for all life's processes – not to mention essential for maintaining a healthy mind - body - soul equilibrium. Breathing is a fully automatic process, beginning at birth and continuing without interruption until the day we die. For most, it can be a fully unconscious process. There is no need to attend consciously to the way you are breathing. We expect to breathe quite adequately while sleeping each night, as we do...Read More

January 2019

  • Make a Dent in the Universe

    Posted on Fri, 4 January 2019

    Bashing self-help is all the rage these days.

    In 2019 (and beyond) it’s cool to be the nonchalant type who doesn’t care about goals, sees competition as inherently evil, thinks self-help is a charlatan’s game and mocks people who want to improve.

    Let’s just call a spade a spade. They’re full of it.

    They won’t admit it out loud, but deep down they’re insecure and would try to reach their goals if they weren’t afraid to fail. Maybe I’m projecting, but maybe I’m right.

    Forget about everyone else, let’s talk about you.

    You want to be a master of the universe, don’t you? You want to see just how much juice you can squeeze out of this life.

    Why not own it?

    Let other people bicker about trivialities and stay crabs in a barrel.

    You get one life. If you want to become a master of the universe, not only should you do it, but you should feel zero shame about it.

    From now on, I’m only writing for...Read More

November 2018

September 2018

  • Emotional Vampires - who is sucking your energy?

    Posted on Mon, 24 September 2018

    To be emotionally free you can’t remain naïve about relationships. Some people are positive and mood elevating. Others can suck optimism and serenity right out of you. Vampires do more than drain your physical energy. The super-malignant ones can make you believe you’re an unworthy, unlovable wretch who doesn’t deserve better. The subtler species inflict damage by making smaller digs which can make you feel bad about yourself—for instance, “Dear, I see you’ve put on a few pounds” or “You’re overly sensitive!” Suddenly they’ve thrown you emotionally off-centre you by prodding areas of shaky self-worth. To protect your sensitivity, it’s important to name and combat these vampires.


    • Your eyelids are heavy—you’re ready for a nap

    • Your mood takes a nosedive

    • You want to binge on carbs or comfort...Read More


Pennie talk "Why is this happening to me again/" was very interesting to listen to. She is very welcoming, open and approachable. The whole talk was great. I would really like to hear her talk again hopefully at Kempton Park in November 2014.

Lydia Naud

Pennie your talk was very interesting and inspiring Thank-you

Pradip, Hove MBS Show Sept 2014
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