The International Schoolof Energy Medicine

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Reiki Three Pathway's Spirirtual Development was mindblowing, I was instantly hooked and the days didn't seem long enough to take it all in. Very excited and slightly overwhelmed at the content. Already recommended to a friend The information regarding oversouls, groupsouls and how we spiritually evolve made so much sense. Could do with an extra day just for time for reflection and covering questions that have surfaced since!!! Wow!

Tracey Richardson, BA Cabin Crew

I'll never forget when I told you that I wasn't an angry man... the love and acceptance that seemed to pour out of you when all you said was "really that's interesting" later as I realized how angry and frustrated I was and with your guidance and support transmuted it... I literally fell in love with your courage and simplicity, the measured way you have of getting each of us see how we are sabotaging ourselves. You are fearless and stunning in all you do. Magic

Tim Jolley, Designer
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