The International Schoolof Energy Medicine

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What is Gaia

Note:What Gaia is, is taught as part of the Shamans Tools course

Gaia is a term used to represent Mother Earth as a living sentient spirit and not as a “thing” or “object” we live on. If we learn to tune in to her and become an integral part of this living spirit we can learn how to work and live in harmony with her and to use her incredible healing powers and force.


I recently attended the Acorn to Oak online training Clear the Ancestral Trauma of the 7 Generations. It was a great day, filled with insights, healing and remembrance of who I authentically am. At the end of the training I could feel the change within me and felt so good to accept it. Highly recommend the course.

Adina Newton

Pennie your talk was very interesting and inspiring Thank-you

Pradip, Hove MBS Show Sept 2014
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