The International Schoolof Energy Medicine

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What is a Shacapa

Note: How to make a shacapa is taught as part of the Shamans Tools course

A shacapa is a rattle made of a very specific Amazonian leaf (from a plant called Carritzo) and it is used by the shaman to create music while singing the icaros and to direct and move around the energies during a shamanic healing  








During the Reiki Course I felt very calm and peaceful. I received everything I expected and was a very enjoyable two days with some great bonding within the group.

Lesley Harrison, Boston Lincs

What you talk about and how you talk thrills me, when I see such a spiritually connected person delivered such a liberating message with such clarity and gentle humor I feel honored to be able to hear you. I have also seen the spitfire of divine no nonsense and the way you can blast through ego bullshit and story telling and help people individuate from their conditioning and past trauma. I am amazed and in awe of you. Thank you for answering call I put out to meet a good teacher. My heart felt gratitude always.

Cooper James, NLP Master Practitioner
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