The International Schoolof Energy Medicine

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What are Shamanic Ceremonies

Ceremonies to gain experience and understanding of different Amazonian plants

Plant ceremonies are an integral part of the shamanic healing, as they create and open the space for the spiritual doctors to come in and perform the true healing. The shaman’s traditional role has always been to open and cleanse himself energetically so that he can channel these forces and allow them through. During Level Two you will experience four ceremonies during this time which will enhance your ability to sensitise yourself to plant spirits.   


I was at Pennie's talk "Why is this happening to me again?" I enjoyed all of it and I felt it was well delivered I would definately go and hear her talk again.

Linda Smith

Prior to working with Pennie I was struggling to articulate who I am and what I am trying to achieve with my business. What I loved about working with Pennie was the subtle way in which she coaxed me into peeling back the layers I've hidden safely behind for years. It was a powerful session which provided me with immediate clarity around my personal drivers and the vision I am pursuing.

Paul Benson , Financial Advisor
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