The International Schoolof Energy Medicine

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What are Akashic records

Learning a process on how to guide your clients to update and edit Akashic records

A journey through the shaman’s visionary ability you will learn how to access the hall of records and the spiritual etiquette needed to approach the keeper of the keys in order to unlock your records for reading and editing.


I attended Pennie's talk "Why is this happening to me again" at Hove's Mind Body and Soul Fair on September 7th 2014. I really enjoyed it, it was a very good professional presentation and a great delivery. I would really like to hear you speak again. Thank-you

Alan Adams

What a remarkable person you are Pennie, to have such insight and clarity is a rare thing in today's world. Your generousity of spirit, the amazing amount of time, energy and care you take with all of us is inspirational. Please don't stop loving us enough!! God bless and keep you.

Craig Stockton, Banker
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