The International Schoolof Energy Medicine

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MMR - Level One

Duration: 4 hours

Venue: TBA

Prerequisites: None

Cost: £45.00

Next Course: TBA

Level One is designed as an introduction to meditation, mindfulness and relaxation. To give you a beginners experience on "how to" and will cover

Mediatation Practice and its origination

Proven scientific benfits of meditation

Types of meditation and mindfulness practice

Practice techniques to reduce stress and elicit relaxation

Structuring your meditation practice and understanding the importance of posture

Healing Sounds

Journeying with Creative visualisations


Thank you very much for Saturday's session. Clear the Ancestral Trauma of the 7 Generations it was a great experience that has changed something in me very deeply. I feel "me" if it makes any sense. I am more grounded and at peace and at the same time quite sharp, it feels that I can dance at my own tune now. I can't really explain with words but it feels right

Veronique Perquel , Nutrition Therapist

Wanted to gain knowledge and experience to help guide my clients to manifest cleanly and accurately. What an amazing course and an amazing technique. It was delivered in such a way that I learnt so much and gained such tools as well as such rich experiences and stories to tell. It's fantastic when you are taught by such an expert that makes it seem effortless and so much fun. Thank-you for guiding us through demystifying how to manifest with joy and laughter. You did a great job Pennie. Awesome :D

Grace Instaff, Coach
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