The International Schoolof Energy Medicine

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Javier and Jessica's Clinic in Guildford Wednesday 30th July


Venue: TBA

Prerequisites: None

Cost: TBA

Next Course: TBA



Wild Women, wow, what an awesome weekend away with some truly inspiring women. I've never experienced anything like it before and I'm grateful to have been there. I can't believe the difference it's made in my life, I feel renewed. The processes were so amazing, empowering and beautiful. When Pennie, Tracey and Jill took part in all of them it was wonderful to see them inspire us all. The fire ceremony was the highlight for me as you could feel the sacred space created for us to run with the wolves and howl at the moon it helped me get in touch with my inner feminine power - what a rush!!! Pennie you are a shaman of magical proportions I will definitely be back again, and I cannot thank you enough

Joyce Friend, IFA

I went to Holistic Show at Kempton at the end of May 2015 and decided to have a Reiki and Reflexology treatment at Acorn to Oak's Stand. WOW. I feel good wish it could go on and on I would definately recommend this.

Ann Walker, Unemployed
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