The International Schoolof Energy Medicine

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Hopi Ear Candling Therapy.

Duration: 4 hours

Venue: TBA

Prerequisites: None

Cost: £95.00

Next Course: TBA

This ancient and natural therapy offers physical benefits, relieving a range of conditions in today's world.  It is believed the Ancient Greeks were the first to use ear candles before the practice migrated to America where native American Hopi Indians used it widely, giving this practice its modern name today - Hopi Ear Candling Therapy.

By attending this course, you can become a certified Ear Candling Practitioner, enabling you to offer this treatment to the general public.

What is Ear Candling?

Ear Candling is also known as Thermal Auricular Therapy is a pleasant, gentle and non-invasive treatment of the ears, used to treat a variety of conditions. Through inducing revitalising heat upon the head and ears, the ear candles sooth, relieve and relax.


  • Relief of excessive or compacted wax in the ears 
  • Reduction of irritation in ears and sinuses
  • Pressure regulation in cases of: sinusitis, rhinitis, glue ear, colds,
  • flu, headaches and migraine 
  • Relaxing and calming effect in cases of stress
  • Reduction of noises in the ears including ringing and tinnitus

Ear Candling Course Details

This 1/2 day course is ideal for beginners with no massage experience or therapists looking to add this popular therapy to their existing treatments. There is a detailed full practical demonstration for the entire class to observe which is broken down into smaller sections, making it easy to follow & learn.

We only run small courses of up to 6 people which is necessary to give you individual attention and to respond fully to any questions you may have. We will make you feel comfortable and relaxed in this learning environment and you will be encouraged to communicate freely and openly in the class.

You will perform the treatment on another student and receive an ear candling treatment yourself. Following a successful completion of the practical assessment, you will receive your 'Practitioner's Certificate', enabling you to use this treatment with the general public.

By the end of the day you will:

  • Have an understanding of the history of ear candling
  • Have knowledge of human ear anatomy
  • Understand how the candles work
  • Know the benefits of Ear Candle Therapy
  • Have awareness of contra-indications to treatment
  • Understand the composition of candles
  • Have knowledge & references tools to enable you to conduct a therapy session
  • Have practiced an ear candle treatment
  • Have received an ear candle treatment
  • Received a facial massage
  • Have knowledge of insurance and suppliers


What I most enjoyed was the way everything was explained in a simple, logical manner, great to hear how to make real changes. Thank- you Pennie

Carly, Hove MBS Show Sept 2014

Gemma Madden, Admin Assistant
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