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Guildford Reiki Share


Venue: TBA

Prerequisites: None

Cost: TBA

Next Course: TBA

Our Reiki share is run by two experienced Reiki Masters.  We welcome everyone, from those with previous Reiki training or experience to those with no experience at all.

The Reiki Masters will organise the event to enable each person to give and receive a Reiki treatment, regardless of experience.

This is a great way to relax, enjoy and learn more about Reiki in an informal way with like minded people.

Run By Pennie Quiale-Pearce and Luke Pearce. Can Contact them on 07951 873732 or email


I really enjoyed the part in which Pennie discussed the importance of recognising our feelings, and yet not deny these. also the part where she explains there is no wrong or right - it's about vibration and raising it to free yourselves. I would really like to hear you talk again. Thank- you

Charlotte Woods, Hove MBS Show Sept 2014

I found the Indian Head Massage relaxing and the overrall experience was great. I would recommend this to everyone.

Sharon, Connisser
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