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Why Is This Happening Again

Thu, 20 February 2014

Have you ever wondered ‘Why is this happening to me again?’ Do you repeatedly act in ways that you know will not help the situation, but you can’t seem to help yourself? Are you stuck in a groove with no control of the outcome?

 Some More about Patterns and Their Effects

 Are your relationships affected by the patterns in your life? Have you noticed that a situation experienced earlier in life is later repeated in a similar way with yet another person? For example, did your first sweetheart fall madly in love with you, then suddenly cool, leaving you feeling wounded and alone? Have you experienced a similar pattern with another loved one in a subsequent relationship? While relationships are a common place for life patterns, these recurrences -whether welcome or unwelcome -show up in many other areas as well. For example, have you ever had an experience where everything you attempted worked out just beautifully? Maybe it was a time when you successfully completed an exam, played a great game of tennis, or experienced your heartfelt communications happily received by a loved one. Can you also remember a time when you felt somewhat like a failure? Maybe it was a time when you failed to complete a work project, bogeyed almost every hole in a round of golf, or felt rejected by your mate. In this workshop, you will discover specific ways for uncovering the source of the unwelcome patterns in your life, and learn practical, step-by-step ways to change them. We can better understand these patterns by understanding the way a player piano works. Like a regular piano, a player piano has 88 keys but, when a music roll is in place, it can play only those notes, which correspond to holes punched in the roll. That music roll is the pattern for the tune we hear. Although the player piano, itself, has the capacity to play any song, its repertoire is restricted as long as the music roll is in place. In much the same way, although we human beings have the innate capacity to make beautiful music- to live lives of almost limitless accomplishment and expression -all too often we are limited by our patterns.

While some patterns produce exhilarating, uplifting melodies, many others confine us to a monotonous range, which results in our living only a muted echo of the brilliant, transcendent resonance of which we are capable. These patterns show up in all areas of life, constricting our relationships, dulling our spontaneity, impairing our productivity, limiting our finances, and squelching our creativity. Because most of us have experienced our patterns since birth or early childhood, however, we often fail to realise that our lives could be different. Observing recurring patterns in the lives of others can sometimes help us become aware of our own patterns. As examples, let us briefly examine the stories of three different people.

 She Longs for a Happy Marriage:

Sarah was devastated when David left her for another woman. She felt happier when she met Larry, but he abandoned her also, and soon married someone else. This painful theme has reoccurred so often that Sarah has never experienced a lasting, happy relationship. She is beginning to despair of finding the relationship she desires.

 The Same Leg Injured Repeatedly:

When Mark was 9 years old he was hit by a car, while riding his bike and lay in a hospital, his shattered left leg in traction. Ten years later, he was carried from a battlefield in Vietnam, his left leg mangled by a land mine. Now 45, Mark is recovering from a ski accident, the same leg fractured again.

 Like Riding on a Roller Coaster:

Jim's life had dramatic highs and lows. He was a bright, active 10 yr old when he was run over by a team of horses and hospitalized for a year. At 17, he was president of his class, getting top grades; he developed hepatitis & had to drop out for a year. When 30 years old, Jim was head of prominent money- Management Company, was suddenly dismissed when the company was sold. When he was 46 and a self-made multi- millionaire, a bank suddenly called on an old note Jim had guaranteed and he was forced to file for bankruptcy.

In the life of each of these individuals, it is obvious that a pattern exists which seems to repeat again and again. Each of them might ask, "Why is this happening to me again?"

Have you noticed a recurring pattern in your life? Perhaps it manifests in your relationships, your health, your finances, or in another area. Have you ever wondered what causes these difficult patterns? What can explain them? What can be done about them? Is there a way to identify a pattern in your life and then change it so that you enjoy a happier experience next time? These are the questions we will address in this workshop as we investigate repetitive and puzzling patterns in the lives of numerous people. The case studies included here provide surprising, sometimes astonishing and, most importantly, encouraging answers to these questions.

 To benefit from these groundbreaking discoveries, we are sometimes required to put aside certain beliefs and look with new eyes at evidence which points to previously unsuspected origins of the patterns in our lives.

"A few hundred years ago," Marcel Proust stated, "before the invention of the microscope, almost no one believed in bacteria and viruses, so humanity remained powerless before these unseen invaders. Those who did believe in their existence were labelled 'crackpots.' But invisible is not the same as 'imaginary'," he reminds us. "The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes."

These wise words apply as much to our patterns and their underlying causes as to physical diseases and the underlying presence of bacteria and viruses.

For a long time we have accepted the widespread belief, for instance, that a child's mind and awareness could be compared to a slate, which is blank until parents and culture begin to write their potent messages on it. Startling new evidence proves that this is not true, that we human beings are very conscious, not only as early as the first trimester of gestation, but startlingly, even prior to conception. Furthermore, there is clear evidence that early traumatic experiences, whether they occur in childhood or before birth, create powerful imprints which can result in negative patterns later in life. Emotion-filled events which we experience at an early age usually leave their mark on us, setting up psychological and emotional patterns which weave into our adult personalities, corroborating the old axiom that ''as the twig is bent, so the tree will grow." Occasionally we hear of glowing exceptions to this vicious cycle - the mistreated child who, becauseof his early misfortune, grows up and dedicates his life to championing the cause of abused children, for example -but the unconscious repetition of painful patterns is far more common.

As a general rule, we tend to treat ourselves and others the way we were treated as children. If in early childhood, we felt loved and valued, experiencing acceptance and safety in an optimistic, healthy, loving family, we grow to see the world that way and stride confidently into life. If, on the other hand, we were born to parents who did not truly love or value us and to whom life was an overly stressful experience, there is a good chance that their fearful, inhibiting, attitudes were inculcated into our character long before we could become consciously aware of them. Usually, therefore, if we are valued in infancy, we develop an intrinsic sense of worth that is echoed back to us in positive experiences. If we are not valued in infancy, we tend not to value ourselves, often lashing out angrily when we perceive that someone else see the humiliating deficit of which we are so painfully aware. Early thoughts, beliefs, and conclusions, whether pleasant or painfully, become woven into the very fabric of our personality, predisposing us to pleasant or painful interpretations of the world around us. They function like filters through which we view the world. That view is thus coloured or discoloured accordingly. We see the world not as it is… but as we are  



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Wow Pennie, that was not what I expected at all!! I had hoped that this maybe a useful day's training... but to have had an experience that I know will change my life is... outstanding. I am in awe of what you do. Please continue doing it and get it out there to as many as possible!! We need it and we need you to help us. Thank-you

Taylor Miess , Banker

I really enjoyed my Reiki One experience, it was more subtle than I expected. Reiki Attunements were mind blowing.

Gemma Pugh, Financial Researcher
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