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When the going gets tough… the tough get going… really, really? Or really, really, really, really?

Mon, 6 August 2018

There have been times in my life when this has been too true, sometimes to my own detriment, because I have ignored my own authentic needs and pushed harder and faster to achieve what I thought I needed to achieve. I have a large body of students that I guide on their self-development journey and I take that responsibility & joy to heart and always work for their highest will and good. It’s not because I’m a guru or saint, I’m not, I’m way to human for that (even though a saint is just a sinner who never gave up) I’m on the path like everyone else and sometimes I stumble and fall. I have learnt (through extensive training) to train my ego to go into service to my soul and in doing so have an infinite resource of patience, compassion and unconditional love that I share with fun, laughter, joy and good old British humour with all who are attracted to work with Acorn to Oak. I am living my dream life; however, I can still wake up in the morning feeling like sh1t. (with a teething 16-month-old it happens with alarming regularity at the moment, depending on how much sleep I’ve managed to grab). It’s imperative to take responsibility for how you feel when you feel it and not take into the rest of your day. Or take it out on a loved one, friend or work colleague. Do whatever it takes to turn your mood and behaviour around before you cause a tidal wave for others.

I as running a weekend workshop a couple of weeks ago for practitioners. It’s been really warm here in the UK (hot, humid and exhausting for some) It was residential, and the bed mattresses were firm (a couple of the student remarked about it) On the Sunday morning before we gathered for a meditation one of the practitioners was acting out their displeasure at having an uncomfortable night, I gently teased them… was it really, really bad? Or REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY BAD. However, they were so far gone in their own sh1t they didn’t hear the gentle pattern interrupt… and carried forward into the meditation. After meditation I decided to do a bigger Pattern Interrupt, knowing this person well and their likes and dislikes I did a Costa run to help them shift out of feelings that they had been deprive of comfort. What we don’t realise is when we behave in this manner we drag other people and disturb their harmony and sense of well-being. Luckily the other participants are all well able to hold their own space and not be too disturbed when someone throws their toys out of their pram. When the person involved reflected they were able to acknowledge their anger and disappointment and grow themselves up again into a resourceful, powerful and magnificent adult.

So “Pattern Interrupts” are an amazing tool to have in your tool bag and something I could write a book on, so to keep it brief here… it’s consciously choosing to change a pattern of behaviour before that behaviour takes hold and you start “Acting it out” for example “feelings that they had been deprive of comfort” and doing “grumpy old man behaviour”, “toddler having a pissy fit behaviour ” or “mean angry bitch behaviour”.

As soon as you get awareness that your behaviour is impacting on how you see yourself or your poor behaviour is impacting others. STOP IT. Choose to do something different, chant, sing, dance, tell yourself a joke, go for a run, eat chocolate, dance. As adults we must take responsibility for our own actions and behaviour and strive to change those that our not helping us live or have the life of our dreams.

Hope this has been helpful – More tomorrow, Have a Great day

In Divine Friendship


To book a time to talk with me about the road to self-discovery please use the following link


  1. Amy Gower says:
    Monday, 6 August 2018 at 7:40am

    This blog is such a great reminder for interrupting certain moods. Sometimes I use various tools to snap out of it, quite quickly. Other times I feel I have to use every tool in the book, repeatedly. And if that doesn't work and I can't quite get hold of it, I ask for help. And sometimes even after doing all that... Breath4Life Breath Work is the only answer and the only way to move through everything thats emotionally up and needs attention. This blog is definitely good to come back to... a bit of really, really, really? defo helps ha

  2. Jill Pay says:
    Monday, 6 August 2018 at 7:52am

    Another great blog from Pennie - I definitely identify with the need to "pattern interrupt" at times! The 'really, really ...' just made me laugh - which is a pattern interrupt at its best. Thanks!

  3. Matthew Donnachie says:
    Tuesday, 7 August 2018 at 5:36pm

    Brilliant blog and so true , We all have the choice how we behave when situations come up , You don’t have to stay stuck in it . I have been training with Pennie and the unstoppable team from Acorn to Oak and I would highly recommend their coaching , training courses and retreats .

    Their passion and drive to help others change their lives and create the lives they only ever dreamed about is inspiring .

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Attended Pennie's Talk "Why is this happening to me again?" Brillant, inspired, hugely enjoyable... Had some real insights which will help me manage my life. Can't thank you enough.

David Mathews, BA

Went to Penni's talk "Why is this happening to me again?" I enjoyed the way you put imformation across in a lively, down to earth way. I would like to hear you talk again.

Lynn Bradford
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