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Treating Ulcerative Colitis with Homoeopathy

Fri, 26 May 2017

What is Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis, as the name suggests is a gastrointestinal disease that causes ulcers in the colon or the large intestine and also the rectum. It is a disease that causes inflammation of the lining of the large intestine and the rectum and is therefore known as an inflammatory bowel disease.

Who is affected by Ulcerative Colitis

Although there is not much awareness about the disease, it is quite common and affects the young people more as compared to the old people. In fact, it is the most common in the age group of 15-35 years of age. The second highest incidence is in the age group of 50-70. The cause of this preference for the above mentioned age groups is poorly understood.

What does ulcerative colitis do to the intestines

Ulcerative colitis may affect large parts of the intestines. The ulcers can be superficial or deep and this depends on the severity of the trouble. In some patients, the ulcers begin in the rectum and then spread to the entire large intestine in a gradual manner. In other patients, the spread may be uniform or simultaneous and both rectum and the large intestine become involved at the same time. All the symptoms that a patient experiences are by and large due to this ulceration.

Causes of Ulcerative Colitis

All the research and the advancement in medical science have been unable to throw enough light on the exact cause of Ulcerative Colitis. Stress has been identified as a big contributory factor though why it affects some and not others is also poorly understood. Family history of ulcerative colitis tends to affect one more than others who do not have a similar family history. It has been observed in patients that those who have a poor immunity are likely to get affected much more than others whose immunity is better. Any and every factor that causes the immunity of a person to be compromised tends to cause an aggravation in the symptoms of this disease.

Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis

  • Frequency of the stools is much more than normal and one has to go several times to relieve oneself. Everytime one eats or drinks something, one feels compelled to pass stool.
  • Crampy pain in the abdomen is another symptom and is almost always followed by an urge for stool.
  • Blood and mucous are often present in the stool, though it is not necessary that both may be present at the same time.
  • The consistency of the stool may vary from watery to semi-solid and stool often contains undigested food particles.
  • The persistent diarrhoea and loss of blood and mucous tends to cause loss of water and electrolytes.
  • Patient complains of weakness, dehydration and loss of weight is also seen.
  • Anemia is an almost constant accompaniment.
  • Dry skin and sunken eyes are quite commonly seen in patients of ulcerative colitis.
  • Some patients also have prolonged fever along with the gastrointestinal symptoms.

Do’s and Dont’s for Ulcerative Colitis

Anything and everything that tends to aggravate the disease needs to be avoided.

  • It is known that smoking and alcohol tend to worsen the trouble, therefore it is best to avoid smoking and alcohol.
  • Fried food, junk food, spicy food and too much fat are also best avoided as the digestive system is unable to tolerate these things.
  • It has also been observed that milk and other dairy products also tend to worsen the trouble.
  • It is best to eat small meals at short intervals instead of loading one’s stomach at one go.
  • Water intake should be good at all times and taking ORS regularly is advisable as there is a need to replenish the loss of water and electrolytes.

Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis

Treating Ulcerative Colitis is a challenge for any doctor. That is because of the very nature of the disease. It is a chronic inflammatory disease and the ulceration that is present in the intestines requires time to heal. The difficulty is because the intestines have to work day in and day out and cannot get any time to rest. We can give rest to our legs in case there is a fracture or an injury but some body parts cannot afford to rest. Our heart, lungs, intestines have to work 24 hours in a day. This makes it difficult to cure any problem that is present in these body parts. All said and done, the inflammatory process can be helped by eating things that are light and don’t put too much strain on the digestive system.

Allopathic treatment of Ulcerative Colitis and its drawbacks

Taking too many anti-inflammatory medicines that are usually given in the allopathic system do not help much in the long run. In more severe cases, steroids are also given in the allopathic system of medicine. These tend to suppress the immune system and restrain the inflammatory process but there is a limitation of this approach. Long term use of steroids has its own side effects and therefore cannot be used for an indefinite period. This is why patients look for some alternatives to the steroids. And this is where Homeopathy comes in.

Homoeopathy in the aid of Ulcerative Colitis

The biggest advantage of Homeopathy is that it is mild in nature and tends to modify the body’s natural immunity. It is the responsibility of the immune system of the body to protect it from all sorts of damage, whether from bacteria or viruses or from any other disease. It also helps in repairing any damage that may occur at any time. Homeopathic medicines help strengthen the natural immunity of the body so that it can perform its natural functions in a more efficient manner.

5 Best Homeopathic remedies for Ulcerative Colitis

A symptom based approach to every patient is the foundation on which Homeopathy is built upon. Keeping this in mind, it should not come as a surprise to anyone that there are dozens of homeopathic medicines that are used in the treatment of ulcerative colitis. Having said that there are a few medicines that are indicated quite often. In my experience, these homeopathic medicines have been found to be quite effective in the treatment of Ulcerative Colitis.

The 5 best homeopathic medicines for ulcerative colitis are-

  • Merc Sol – best medicine for ulcerative colitis with blood and tenesmus
  • Nux Vomica- best remedy for ulcerative colitis due to high life
  • Arsenic Album- best medicine for ulcerative colitis with anxiety and restlesness
  • Baptisia – best medicine for ulcerative colitis with low grade fever
  • Phosphorus -best treatment for ulcerative colitis with increased thirst for cold water

As mentioned earlier, stress is one of the most important causes of Ulcerative Colitis. In such cases, it is very important that one should find out the cause of stress in the patient and give a suitable homeopathic medicine. Such a line of treatment has been found to be very effective and curative. Here is a brief note about the medicines and their symptoms.

1. Merc Sol- One of the best homeopathic medicines for ulcerative colitis with blood and tenesmus

When there is too much bleeding with tenesmus and other symptoms, Merc Sol is one of the best homeopathic medicines for ulcerative colitis. There are frequent stools with blood being discharged almost every time. The patient is a sweaty sort of patient who keeps on sweating most of the time. Creeping sort of chilliness may be felt in the back.

2. Nux Vomica- One of the best homeopathic remedies for ulcerative colitis due to high life

When the problem has occurred from living a high life, Nux Vomica is one of the best homeopathic remedies for ulcerative colitis. Excess of alcohol, stimulants like tea and coffee, late night partying and other habits incident to modern lifestyle can contribute to such a problem. The patient is usually a chilly sort of patient who cannot tolerate cold. He is unusually angry and that too at trifles.

3. Arsenic Album – One of the best homeopathic medicines for ulcerative colitis with anxiety and restlesness

When the predominant symptoms are the mental symptoms of anxiety and restlessness, Arsenic Album is one of the best homeopathic medicines for ulcerative colitis. The patient gets anxious, worried and restless for no rhyme or reason. There may be weakness which may be disproportionately more than the problem. There is increased thirst for water, though the patient takes a small quantity or a sip at a time.

4. Baptisia – One of the best homeopathic remedy for ulcerative colitis with low grade fever

When there is low grade fever present along with other symptoms, Baptisia is one of the best homeopathic remedy for ulcerative colitis. The patient has great muscular soreness all over the body as if bruised and beaten. Appetite is reduced or next to nil. At the same time, there is constant desire for water. Stools are very offensive, thin and watery.

5. Phosphorus – One of the best homeopathic medicine for ulcerative colitis with increased thirst for cold water

When there is intense thirst for cold water, Phosphorus is one of the best homeopathic medicine for ulcerative colitis. The patient is usually tall and thin. The diarrhoea is copious. Stool is watery and profuse bleeding may be present. Patient feels too weak and more so after passing a stool.

For further information

If you would like to find out more if I can help you with Ulcerative Colistis you can book in a Free 15 Minute Clarity Call by emailing me at


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