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The wonderful symbology of “Moana” and what we can learn from it. It’s Pure Gold

Wed, 15 August 2018

Now, I am a mum of a young toddler I get to watch a lot of Disney animation, some are sleep inducing and others great entertainment. In my eyes Moana is truly awesome and if you haven’t seen it, do yourself a favour and make sometime to see it. The story is to save her island home Moana, a plucky teenager must set sail and journey into the blue beyond. The film is a great adventure for all. However, the symbology is eye opening and immense for the thinking and aware adults. Maui is a great character… full of Demi God mischief, ego and sometimes misdirected purpose, but has a good heart. Heihei the chicken is there as comic relief. The fiery lava giant is a “really angry bitch” who wants revenge (not surprising so because her heart was stolen a 1000 years ago) She is covered with a lava curst which solidifies when immersed in water (emotions) and she howls with annoyance when confronted by them. Nearly at the end of the film Moana arrives at her island to try and restore her heart…

There is a most beautiful scene when Moana is shown where her heart centre is and shows great courage and fearlessness as she sings “Let her come to me” The water (emotion is pushed aside) allowing this huge lava giant to rush towards her. As she comes Moana continues to sing

“I have crossed the horizon to find you

I know your name

They have stolen the heart from inside you

But this does not define you

This is not who you are

You know who you are”

As Moana places the heart crystal back inside her chest the lava crust drops away and slowly reveals Te Fiti the Goddess of abundance and nature, beautifully green with pinks the colours of the heart chakra. She once again becomes the wise and bountiful goddess.

Oh Boy great stuff

I’ve watched this countless times because it’s one of Hector’s favourites and each time I’m struck with new insights and similarities with some of the people I work with. How many of us feel we have had are hearts ripped away from us or stolen? And we don’t know how to get it back or even if that is possible. We incase ourselves in an outer layer of unhelpful behaviour as protection and may take on an archetype as extra protection (mean angry bitch in Te Fiti case she became Te Ké) Sometimes we are in so much pain and disconnection from our true selves that we lash out at loved ones not realising the hurt we inflict on ourselves and others. Over time this will cause even greater damage within and may lead to some crippling physical pathology. The good news is it’s never too late to start the journey to regain joy and abundance in your life, it’s all about the journey back into heart space and it can start right here, right now

If you are interested in helping yourself reconnect with your heart then Pennie is one of the best Guide’s that can help you, walk with you and support you.

To book a time for a free clarity call to talk with me about your best next step please use the following link

PS I highly recommend this film, for the laughter and joy it will bring you, some great tunes in there as well.

In Divine Friendship



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I've been in many different situations and had a lot of different and amazing experiences in my life so I have a good frame of reference, but what I experienced today was off the charts. The love, joy and happiness I felt was amazing, but what took me by surprise was how safe I felt and the totally acceptance which led to inner peace and contentment. Thank-you

Judy Dee, Entertainer

I like to think of myself as a fairly middle of the road person. I'm married in my 30's and have one daughter and have had a life full of very high and very low points. If truth be told I was a little sceptical and scared before I experienced my Breath4LifeTMBreath Work session. However, the opportunity arose so I took it. On the day of my session, Pennie talked me through what was going to happen and how I would feel and one of the best things about Breath4LifeTMBreath Work is that all the thoughts and emotions I felt during my session would remain private as this isn't a talking Therapy, but taking action. The healing is all done by me and my breath! My session was wonderful. It lasted 2 hours and I was guided through every breath. I experienced the healing energy that I had read about and the 2 hours was truly a life changing experience for me. After my session, I can quite honestly say that the things that used to bother me before really don't anymore. All the memories good and bad are still part of me, but I don't have the same emotional baggage attached to them and better still, I don't have to drag that baggage with me through life. If you are even a little bit interested in Breath4LifeTMBreath Work, please give it a go, it really is life changing and enlightening.

Gemma Madden, Administration Assistant
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