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Oh Boy, the trials and tribulations of Human Relationships. What sense can we make of them?

Tue, 14 August 2018

The divine gave us human relationships in various forms for one reason: we are to learn from one another. One is in a sense our guru, our teacher. Children teach us, they discipline us; we have to learn endless patience and how to reach out of ourselves, outside our own selfishness and self-interest, in order to help mould their lives correctly. We in turn are their gurus, for it is our responsibility to guide and train them and give them the best possible start in life.

From all these relationships we acquire an expansion and purification of our love and I believe that, in the ultimate sense, only love can change others. If you approach a child, or a husband or anyone, in that consciousness of love and endless understanding no matter what they say or do, no matter how they hurt you, you can’t help but win in the end. But you must have the patience to go on trying. Nothing suffocates love like passiveness. "Because you are mine, you have to do this; I have the right to treat you this way.” This is often the deathblow to human relationships.

I feel that before two people marry, and before they have children, they should be required by law to go to school where they learn the art of right behaviour. When one is spiritually and psychologically educated to know something about human nature and the art of getting along with others, there is then potential for a happy, harmonious spiritual progressive family life. The soul flowers in such an enlightened relationship.

Human beings fail in their personal relationships when they cease to have respect for one another; husband for wife, wife for husband, children for parents and parents for children. Human relationships deteriorate when friendship is lacking in them. Without friendship, the love between husband and wife, children and parents are soon destroyed. Friendship gives the other person freedom to express himself and his own unique identity.

When there is complete understanding and communication between two souls, there is real friendship and real love. When people learn to keep friendship, respect and regard in their martial, parental and other relationships they will never abuse each other, or hurt themselves by such abuse.

You may say, “Yes it would be ideal if only my husband or wife or children would do it. Why don’t you be the one to begin it: Do your part; leave the rest in the divine’s hands.

It always comes back to the same thing: one must begin with self

If you are interested in making better sense of your relationships, then Pennie is one of the best Guide’s that can help you.

To book a time for a free clarity call to talk with me about your best next step please use the following link


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