Love is grace in action with TACT & TAR thrown in. The last in this series.
Mon, 10 September 2018
11. Love is grace in action
SO… If Love is grace in action, what is GRACE?... It's that life-bestowing, love-bestowing power of the universe, the mysterious way cosmic intelligence has of moving you toward more goodness, more truth, more freedom. When we resist change, hold on too tightly and refuse to let go, grace cannot easily enter our lives.
I believe that God, spirit, the universal power, or whatever you call it for yourself, has so much to give you, but only if you co-operate. Are you doing your part! Maybe the universe is just working overtime for you, but you are not letting in the blessings. Maybe there's a big pile of blessings waiting for you in some cosmic storehouse, but they can't come into your life until you make the space. You may be praying, you may be doing affirmations, you may be going to therapy, attending twelve-step programme meetings, reading uplifting books, but are you really co-operating by letting go of what's not serving you anymore!
Make room for grace, on the physical level as well as the emotional level. Find the courage to let go of whatever doesn't serve you anymore, whether it's a relationship, your job, old possessions, or beliefs and emotions you've been clinging to.
A wonderful contemplation to help you with this is to ask yourself:
What is it that I've been holding on to that I need to let go of?
What is no longer serving me in my life that I need to release?
I know that it's scary to let go, but your fear, that by letting go you will end up with nothing, is groundless. Deep inside, you know this. You have no evidence in your life that this is the way things turn out. So many times, when you thought you were losing something valuable, something much greater has come along. So many times, when you were forced to let go of something you thought you couldn't live without, you've ended up with something far better than you had ever imagined was possible. Grace is being truly grateful for what you receive and spreading that good fortune to everyone you meet.
12. Love is taking the time to tell the absolute complete truth (TACT)
T = telling
A = absolute
C = complete
T = truth
So TACT is a tool with which we remind ourselves about levels of truth and how we use them. Using TACT in your life does not give you permission to be hurtful, disrespectful or rude, however it encourages you to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth when stating your needs, telling your story, dealing with situations or express your feelings.
I have found when using TACT in all areas of my life that another quality is very useful... and that’s grace
13. Love is taking absolute responsibility for oneself (TAR)
T = taking
A = absolute
R = responsibility
Here we deal with the first steps to taking absolute responsibility. There are several stages to practice and master on the road to taking absolute responsibility, so today we are dealing with the first stage personal responsibility.
First of all, it’s important to realise that.
- No one else is to blame for anything that happens in your life.
- No one is out to get you
- No one is luckier or gets a better deal than you.
- Everything you do, say or think has consequences
- You are the co-creator in your life
- Taking responsibility starts with yourself
When we start off on a self-development path it’s important not to beat ourselves up for past bad behaviour, or go over the top “being sorry”, yes, feeling remorse may well be part of the healing you need to address, however, we have all done behaviour we are not proud of and when we have little understanding what Love really is, we don’t know what “being in heart space is” So take this opportunity to find out. I hope the last 13 points have led you to a better understanding and will spur you on to want to know and experience more about Real Mindful Love. On my journey experiencing Real Love inspired me to “live Love” every day of my life and to commit to that process. At Acorn to Oak there is only one question we ask ourselves on a daily basis when dealing with students, associates and clients and that is “Can we Love them enough” and up to this date the answer has always been a resounding YES. If you would like to chat with Pennie please follow the following link to book a time in her diary.
In Divine Friendship
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