Love is a conscious focus of the mind.
Fri, 31 August 2018
Continuing from yesterday
2. Love is a conscious focus of the mind.
Our thoughts are the beginning of creation e.g. thoughts create things. So, with that in mind we can choose to extend loving thoughts anytime to any person anywhere. Also, since love is not an emotion that rules us, it is not affected by our changing emotions any more than it is by the ever-changing weather. Nature teaches us this love by providing crying babies during the night to disturb our sleep. We love them and so get up to take care of them, even when we are tired.
We need to redefine love and to see it not so much as an emotion as a conscious, wilful decision that one makes in one’s mind. We find it easy to love when someone is being what we want them to be, but the real test comes in difficult times – when we perceive rejection or attack – when we might ordinarily become angry or critical of the other person. When we understand the true nature of Love, we realise that we can love even when we don’t feel like it.
David would often be attacked by his wife in outbursts of contemptuous rage. Sharon had grown up in a household where her mother would be angry about almost everything. Her father, who was depressed for years, encouraged his daughter to express herself, since he felt unable to do so. Sharon frequently became angry (like her mother) but kept up such tirades for days, because expressing her anger brought approval. In their marriage Dan was the recipient of these rageful tirades, often feeling as if the love had been beaten out of him. He fell into a fairly negative, judging thoughts about Sharon, withdrawing from her and from the relationship.
After Dan went through some exercises and inner-work to break this vicious cycle of interaction, he became much more proactive, he made perceptual shifts and focused on the frightened girl inside the body of the rageful wife. Since all minds are joined and interconnected, when Dan consciously began to monitor his judging thoughts about Sharon and began to see her appeals for love, hidden underneath her anger, not only did Dan feel more centred, but Sharon’s tirades bean to subside.
Dan was able to look more calmly at his barriers to love. With this foundation, he chose Empowering Love in a fully conscious way. Sharon followed suit, persuaded by the enormous relief she found in the love that was surrounding her. Dan and Sharon begun to heal their relationship.
Tomorrow’s blog is 3. The main function of love is to forgive.
In Divine Friendship
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