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Living Beyond Fear - Living in Your Heart

Wed, 13 May 2015

Everything you would like to experience in life is just beyond F.E.A.R.

False Evidence Appearing Real

Living in your heart and not living in your head

As a result of repression and suppression, you stop feeling and start trying to figuring out how you should feel, this is a non-starter you cannot think a feeling.

Repressing your feelings is actually a safety mechanism you’ve developed over the years. Unable to cope with and express the truth about your emotions, you learn to hide those feelings deep inside and hope that they just go away. Through years of rejecting and suppressing your feelings, you start to acquire the unfortunate and unhealthy habit of automatically repressing what you perceive as the unsafe, unacceptable or confusing emotions. You learn only to express those feelings that won’t disturb or threaten your peace or others, thereby insuring your safety and acceptance. You become a stranger to your own feelings. You begin to try and figure out in your head what to feel, rather than simply and spontaneously feeling from your heart.

Recovering buried emotions is essential for feeling motivated and purposeful

Locating buried emotions is absolutely essential to your growth because to the extent that you suppress and bury your feelings, you will lose contact with who you are and what you really want.

In my years of researching human emotions, I have discovered a universal map of feelings to help you understand the maze of your emotions. When you are upset or unable to emotionally cope with a given situation, you are subconsciously experiencing various levels of feelings at the same time.

The levels are

  1. Anger
  2. Hurt
  3. Fear
  4. Guilt
  5. Love

The complete truth has many different levels. It is perfectly normal to have many conflicting emotions at the same time.

Feelings are your friends

The ability to feel emotions is a gift we all share as human beings. Often, however, you may not like what you are feeling. Every emotion has a purpose and that emotion will remain with you until that purpose is realised and understood and the feeling is felt wholly and completely… unfortunately there are no short cuts, no quick fixes. Your feelings are like messages from your subconscious to your conscious mind. Until you receive the message, the messenger will stand patiently at your door.

ANGER arises to tell you that what is happening to you is undesirable.

HURT or SADNESS arises to tell you that you have lost or are missing something you want or need.

FEAR arises to let you know that the stories you are telling yourself have the upper hand.

GUILT arises to remind you that in some way you are responsible for causing an undesirable result or circumstance.

The way to understand your emotions and what they are telling you about your life is to acknowledge them and safely express them (by that I mean not taking them out on anyone else, but owning them, taking responsibility for them and doing the work needed to transmute and release them). You cannot understand what remains unexpressed, you cannot heal what you cannot feel.

Have you ever noticed that just by talking about a problem with a friend, you realise the solution? Through expressing the complete truth about all of your feelings, you can eventually realise the loving intention underneath all your perceived negative emotions.

In the next blog we will discuss Living in Grace in more detail and how to embrace it more fully in your daily life.

Taken from How to do Life – the secrets to modern living, By Pennie Quaile Pearce.

Pennie is the CEO of Acorn to Oak an expert in energetics and energetic medicine, a Life Coach, author and workshop facilitator

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You know, Pennie, I had a sneaking feeling you were just reading me like a book, that everything you said was directed at me and me egotistical is that! I looked around the room while you were talking and everyone was so enthralled in what you were saying I never been to anything like this before and I'm certainly hooked now so I'll be back :0

Richard Green, IFA

I have benefited so much from being part of the six-months women's breath work group. We have all supported each other on our individual journeys and it has been uncanny how often the other people's stories and experiences have resonated with me. The breathwork sessions have seen us all make amazing breakthroughs while Pennie and Jill hold the space and dispense pearls of wisdom.

Beverly Glick, Human Potential Coach
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