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Is Patience a virtue?

Tue, 6 June 2017

I don’t know if you are aware of what has been happening in my life over the past couple of months. Luke (my husband) and I decided to go ahead and have a family – due to circumstances I won’t go into here and after a lot of different options we opted for surrogacy in the Ukraine. Our son Hector was born on 7th April 2017 and he is a source of constant delight and joy.

There is a lot of paperwork and officialdom to get a passport for Hector and we needed to do a DNA test before the passport is issued. We did the first test at the end of April while living in Kiev and then decided to travel to Odessa (which is by the sea to wait for the passport and get out of the city) 10 days later we heard that the Ukrainian doctors had messed up the test and it needed to be repeated – annoying, but mistakes happen. Luke and Hector flew up to Kiev for the day to repeat the test, which was then sent to the UK the results. On Friday last week the unthinkable happened when the UK company contacted us to say that the Ukrainian doctors had once again messed up the test – this simply “rocked our world” What I said I could not repeat here, but after a 10 minute swear fest we looked at how this latest travesty would affect us. It would again delay our return back to the UK. More flights to Kiev to be re-tested. I would need to travel back to the UK on my own to facilitate a planned weekend retreat. We would miss 2 funerals for much loved family members and the rising cost of rent here.

Luke and I talked through what needed to happen. We talked, breathed and put our intention to the divine to grant us more patience and grace. Realising we needed to have more faith that whatever happens will be perfect… to let go of our agenda and need to control the outcome and surrender to the divine’s plan. So do I think and feel patience is a virtue – yes I do.

“To meet triumph and disaster and treat those two imposters just the same” From Rudyard Kipling’s IF


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What I enjoyed most during this session was realizing and learning how to recognize different emotions and how to deal with pent up anger in a safe way. I would like to learn more and would like to hear you speak again. Thank you Pennie.

Denise Genner

I can't really believe I've worked for 10 years in general medicine and never understood how energy works and how it runs the physical structures within the body. I was attracted to this because of Pennie's huge medical background and expertise. What a eye opener and mind stretcher. My whole practice will changed because of it. Thank-you so much and my patients will thank-you also. Mind blowing and delivered in such an engaging and fun filled way.

Belinda Jolly, General Practitioner
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