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First Response Homeopathy – Remedies to Use in a Disaster (Part 2)

Mon, 22 March 2021

Disaster has struck. Panic and shock are now subsiding. The immediate threat is over.

Those caught in the disaster are literally starting to pick up the pieces of their lives and possessions.

Homoeopathy is front-line medicine at its best. It has much to offer the victims of disaster and those who rush to their aid. It is inexpensive, easily distributed, able to be safely used before other medical help arrives, and can then used beside it without interactive effects.

Over our three “First Response” articles we will look at remedies traditionally used in homeopathy to reduce the impact of physical injuries, soften emotional trauma, and lessen the risk of epidemic disease.

We also show you how to compile an emergency homeopathy kit, teach you how to use it and explain how its remedies can be ‘stretched’ to not only help you but others, also.

Moving on to the Next Stage

Once the immediate threat is over, anger, accusations, grief and ongoing fear grip many and raw emotions may bubble to the surface.

Perhaps the most striking thing that outsiders witness, though, is the compassion and support people give to each in the middle of what seems an insurmountable tragedy.

Physical injuries that were not seen as severe at the height of the disaster now need attention and the spread of disease has to be prevented.

Even here, homoeopathy, with its easy production and distribution of remedies should have a key role to play with problems as diverse as gangrene, sunstroke, boils and abscesses.

The following is a summary of remedies and their traditional indications for the symptoms and complaints seen in the second stage of a disaster.

Fear, Anxiety and Despair

Argentum nitricum (Arg-n): Anticipatory anxiety with strange fears or phobias. May become claustrophobic or agoraphobic. Wants company but anxious in a crowd. Fears losing control. Diarrhoea develops with anxiety.

Arsenicum album (Ars.): Anxious and afraid to be alone. Fear of death or disease. Restlessness leading to exhaustion. Controlling behaviour of others and circumstances. Anxiety worse after midnight.

Gelsemium (Gels.): Anxiety with weakness and trembling. Needs support when standing; knees shake. Heaviness of eyelids and drowsiness. Wants to be alone.

Stramonium (Stram.): Symptoms usually develop after a frightful experience. Violence towards others from fear of being attacked or hurt. May hit, scratch, kick or bite (children especially). Fear of the dark. Feel much better in company and light.

Comments: If shock, panic or hysteria are still present, refer back to Part 1 for helpful remedies.


Ignatia amara (Ign.): Main remedy for acute grief. Hysterical and changeable behaviour. Angry outbursts and recriminations. Crying when alone rather than in public. Convulsive sobbing. Brooding and sighing. Sensation of lump in the throat. Refusal to eat.

Phosphoric Acid (Ph-ac.): Indifferent, apathetic or physically weak with grief. Slow to answer. Silent suffering – want to be alone. Lack of energy. Exhausted.

Chamomilla (Cham.): Anger with contrariness. Discontented and dissatisfied no matter what is done – can’t be pleased. Hypersensitive and intolerant of pain, even from minor injuries.

Nux vomica (Nux): Angry, irritable, driven and impatient. Irritable when interrupted or obliged to answer. Intolerant of others especially if they are perceived as being too slow or doing inappropriate things. Overindulgence in stimulants or alcohol.

Staphysagria (Staph.): Suppressed anger and indignation following humiliation, insult or violation. also a key “go to” remedy for rape victims during disaster or war.

Injuries and Wounds

Many of the first aid and emergency remedies suggested in Part 1 may still be useful during this ‘mopping up’ stage. For example:

Broken bones (fractures): See Arnica montana, Bryonia alba, or Symphytum. (Part 1)

Concussion or brain injury: See Natrum sulphuricum. (Part 1)

Bruising and damage to soft tissues: See Arnica Montana. (Part 1)

Superficial wounds, grazes and lacerated skin: See Calendula or Hypericum. (Part 1)

Cuts and incisional wounds: See Staphysagria. (Part 1)

Puncture wounds: See Hypericum or Ledum palustre. (Part 1)

Chemical, electrical or 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree burns: See Urtica urens, Causticum, Cantharis or Phosphorus. (Part 1)

Sprained or twisted joints: See Ledum palustre. (Part 1).

Additional helpful remedies are:

Bryonia alba (Bry.): Pain that is worse for the slightest movement. Better for firm strapping, pressure, or lying on the affected part. Useful for fractures, especially fractured ribs.

Hypericum perforatum (Hyper.): Damaged nerves with shooting pains that travel up the limbs, along nerve tracts.

Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus-t.): Pain and stiffness that is worse after rest and better for ongoing movement.

Ruta graveolens (Ruta.): For tendon injuries, especially of wrist and ankle. Pain worse after rest. Hard nodules from blows to shins.

Infected wounds, boils and abscesses.

See Gunpowder as a preventative for infection in Part 1 of this article. Additional remedies include:

Anthracinum (Anthr.): Intense burning pains. Offensive discharges. Black or blue blisters. Anxious with fear of death. Weakness with difficulty in swallowing even though very thirsty.

Arsenicum album (Ars.): Burning pain that is better for warmth. The person is anxious, restless, chilly and thirsty for small sips.

Hepar sulphuris (Hep.): Sensitive wounds with splinter-like sticking pains. Lots of the pus. Sensitive to cold and drafts but better for warmth. Old cheese odour.

Pyrogenium (Pyrog.): Offensive wounds with foul smelling discharges. High fever with slow pulse or low fever with rapid pulse. Exhausted but restless. Bruised feeling.

Silicea (Sil.): Abscesses that drain but don’t heal. Splinter-like pains. Chilly and worse for cold.

Bites and Stings

In many disaster situations, animals and snakes are displaced just as much as humans. Once out of their natural habitat, bites and stings are more likely. When this happens, the following remedies should be considered.

Aconite napellus (Acon.): Rapid, intense symptoms following bite or sting. Restlessness, anxiety and fear that they might die. Very thirsty.

Apis mellifica (Apis.): The site of the sting will be puffy. Swelling will be warm and white or rosy pink in colour. Prickling, stinging pains that are improved by cold applications.

Lachesis muta (Lach.): Skin around bite or sting will be hot and look dark red or blue–purple. Useful remedy for tarantula bites.

Ledum palustre (Led.): Main remedy for puncture wounds, including the bites and stings of animals or insects. Wound swollen, cold, and discoloured. Pain improved by cold applications.

Cantharis (Canth.): Intense burning pain following insect bites such as from wasps.


Tissue gangrene occurs from infection, crush injuries, obstructed circulation and frostbite. The correct homeopathic remedy minimises damage and aids recovery.

Anthracinum (Anthr.): Intense burning pains with offensive discharges and blue-black blisters. Restlessness leading to exhaustion.

Arsenicum album (Ars.): Burning pains that feel better for warmth. Restless, anxious and chilly. Thirsty for small sips.

Cantharis (Canth.): Intense raw, burning pains. Blackish blisters. Delirium in which they might bite.

Carbo vegetabilis (Carb-v.): Bluish, ice-cold skin and extremeties yet person wants to be fanned – cannot get enough air. Frequent belching. Exhaustion and breathlessness.

Crotalus horridus (Crot-h.): Rapid spread with offensive odour. Swollen limb. Blackish blisters. Right side of body feels tender. Easy weeping.

Sunburn or Heat/Sun Stroke

Working in extreme temperatures or facing sun exposure after the destruction of shelter can leave both victims and helpers at risk of sunburn or sun and heat stroke.

The following remedies can be considered for the pain of simple sunburn plus the fever, vomiting, weakness, cramping, diarrhoea and delirium of sun or heat stroke.

Apis mellifica (Apis.): Swelling of the tissues (oedema) with stinging, prickly pain. Better for cold applications. Worse for warmth. Reduced urine output. Drowsiness or irritability.

Belladonna (Bell): Hot, red face. Throbbing headache that is worse from light, noise, lying down, or being jarred. Eyes red and bloodshot all glassy in appearance.

Cantharis (Canth.): One of the main remedies for painful and blistering sunburn. Smarting, burning pain relieved by cold applications. Restless and thirsty.

Glonoinum (Glon): Throbbing in head and body. Dark spots before the eyes. Clenching of jaws. Deathly feeling in the stomach.

Natrum carbonicum (Nat-c.): For the chronic effects of sunstroke. Weakness on exertion.

Urtica urens (Urt-u.): Simple sunburn with stinging, burning or itching pain. Better for lying down. Worse for touch and after sleep.

Exhaustion and Collapse

It’s not just those involved in the disaster who are affected. Those who rush to help may work themselves to the point of collapse. See Part 1 for details on remedies such as China officinalis, Carbo vegetabilis and Laurocerasus for exhaustion arising from physical injury or disease.

Additional remedies to consider are:

Arsenicum album (Ars.): Restlessness leading to exhaustion. Anxious and afraid to be alone. Fear of death or disease. Controlling behaviour of others and circumstances.

Calcarea carbonica (Calc.): Weakness from exertion. Sweats on the least exertion and during sleep. Confused and under-confident. Can’t bear to see or hear of cruelties or horrible things.

Cocculus indicus (Cocc.): Symptoms such as numbness, twitching, dizziness, confusion and exhaustion especially following loss of sleep from caring for others.

Gelsemium (Gels.): Anxiety with weakness and trembling. Needs support when standing; knees shake. Heaviness of eyelids and drowsiness. Wants to be alone.

Kali phosphoricum (Kali-p): Nervous exhaustion from overwork or worry. Insomnia from nervous exhaustion. Tongue is coated yellow.

Phosphoric acid (Ph-ac.): Indifferent, apathetic or physically weak from grief or loss of body fluids. Slow to answer and unable to think of words. Silent suffering – want to be alone. Lack of energy. Exhausted.

Disease Prevention

Damaged infrastructure, polluted water, lack of sanitation, and decaying matter all encourage the spread of disease. Whether it be a simple diarrhoea or a more serious epidemic disease such as cholera, homeopathy has a history of helping with prevention as well as treatment.

Nosodes, for example – remedies made from the diseased tissue or discharge – are regularly used for prevention. Many can be obtained from homeopathic pharmacies or, if time is of the essence, can be made on site by rapidly potentising the source material. (If you have to resort to this, remember to take all precautions until the remedy has been fully potentised so you don’t become infected yourself).

The other option is to choose the standard homeopathic remedy that best matches the symptoms of the disease for which prevention is sought.

Both nosodes and standard remedies are listed below. Either can be used preventatively ahead of an outbreak but if an epidemic is already in progress, the “genus epidemicus” – the remedy that best matches the characteristic symptoms of the outbreak – will produce the best results. That remedy may be one of those listed or a different one altogether.

Amoebic dysentery: Arsenicum album (Ars.) or nosode.

Anthrax: Anthracinum (Anthr.).

Bubonic plague: Baptisia tinctoria (Bapt.) or nosode.

Chickenpox: Antimonium crudum (Ant-c.) or Pulsatilla pratensis (Puls.) or Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus-t.) or nosode.

Cholera: Cuprum metallicum (Cupr.) or Camphor(Camph.) or Veratrum album (Verat.) or nosode.

Diphtheria: Mercurius cyanatus (Merc-cy.) or nosode.

Hepatitis: Phosphorus (Phos.) or Chelidonium majus (Chel.) or nosode.

Hydrophobia: Belladonna (Bell.) or nosode.

Influenza: Gelsemium semervirens (Gels.) or Arsenicum album (Ars.) or Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus-t.) or Eupatorium perfoliatum (Eup-per.) or nosode.

Lyme disease: Ledum palustre or nosode.

Malaria: Cinchona (Cinch.) or Arsenicum album (Ars.) or Natrum muriaticum (Nat-m.) or nosode.

Measles: Pulsatilla pratensis (Puls.) or Aconite napellus (Acon.) or Arsenicum album (Ars.) or nosode.

Meningitis or Encephalitis: Belladonna (Bell.) or nosode.

Mumps: Mercurius vivus (Merc-v.) or Phytolacca decandra (Phyt.) or nosode.

Polio: Lathyrus sativa (Lath.) or Plumbum metallicum (Plb.) or nosode.

Puerperal fever: Pyrogenium (Pyr.) or nosode.

Scarlet fever: Belladonna (Bell.) or nosode.

Small pox: Malandrinum (Maland.) or nosode.

Tetanus: Tetanus toxinum (Tetan.) or Cicuta virosa (Cic.) Hypericum perforatum (Hyper.) or Magnesium phosphoricum (Mag-p.).

Typhus: Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus-t.) or Baptisia tinctoria (Bapt.) or nosode.

Tuberculosis: Drosera rotundifolia (Dros.) or nosode.

Typhoid: Baptisia tinctoria (Bapt.) or nosode.

Yellow fever: Crotalus horridus (Crot-h.) or Carbo vegetabilis (Carb-v.) or Arsenicum album (Ars.) or nosode.

Dosage Guidelines

Remedies can be used in any potency from 6C to 200C; good results are dependent on getting the remedy right more than using a certain potency.

If none of the above potencies are on hand, dose with whatever is available knowing that homeopathy has an excellent safety record with non-addictive and non-toxic remedies.

How often a dose of the chosen remedy should be given will depend on the intensity of the person’s symptoms and how quickly they respond. Initial doses may be needed as often as every 5 minutes or at intervals of several hours.


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I really enjoyed the part in which Pennie discussed the importance of recognizing our feelings, and yet not deny these. Also the part where she explains there is no wrong or right- it's about vibration and raising it to free yourselves. I would really like to hear you talking again. Thank you.

Charlotte Woods

I thought the reflexology treatment I received was very good and definately help me relax and feel good. The care and attention Pennie took was very nuturing. I would recommend this to everyone.

Maria, PA
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