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Feeling Fabulous… When it comes to the physical body, small changes make huge differences

Thu, 13 September 2018

Sometimes, even the smallest change can make a huge difference and place you on the path of wellness. Imagine being in a really bad mood; you feel a headache coming on, and you plan to take an aspirin and go to bed, but a friend calls and invites you to go out. Reluctantly, you leave your home. You see the most beautiful sunset, take a few breaths, begin to relax. Then a stranger walks by and makes a kind comment. Suddenly you begin to feel better and your headache disappears. You meet your friend in better spirits and have a great night. The next day you awake feeling fabulous as you think about the great night you had. You decide that life is wonderful, and you have another enjoyable day.

This simple example shows your mind’s ability to influence your body. If you are around someone who is negative and constantly criticises or judges you, you are going to feel upset, angry and fearful. Those emotions will cause your body to tighten, your immune system to weaken and your nervous system to come over attack. If you don’t “let, go” or transmute the negative feelings your body will start to break down and you will get sick.

Research shows that negative thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and emotions weaken the nervous and immune systems and lead to disease. “What happens in our minds at the level of our perception can have a real effect on our immune system”. This is not new information… ancient wisdom always encouraged us to focus on maintaining a healthy mind in order to maintain a healthy body. It is only now that we are able to prove and understand the connections.

On a physical level, the body is changing constantly. Science has established that our skin is renewed every month, the stomach lining cells every three days, eye cells every forty-eight hours, liver cells every six weeks and the skeleton cells every three months.

The exciting thing is that by consciously participating in your own healing process, you assist your body to regenerate faster, without the density, toxicity and blockages that stop you from being vibrantly well.

Exercise for tuning into Your Body

  • Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down.
  • Count backward from thirty as you take deep breaths and allow your mind and body to relax.
  • Focus on an area in your body that feels blocked or an area where you have pain.
  • Breathe the colour green into the area for a few moments and place your hand there.
  • Ask your body, “Is there a message you want to give me?” Await the answer, it may come in the form of thoughts, words, images, insights, feeling, memories. There is no wrong or right here it just is.
  • Take a few deep breaths as you allow any message to come to the surface. Do not judge any message.
  • Write down the message
  • Affirm “Higher self I call on you to help release all pain, blockages and density from this area” Allow yourself to watch, feel the dense energy leave your body.
  • Breathe deeply and slowly, arching your head back slightly and curving your lower spine. Then, as you breathe out, bring your head forward, and allow your back to straighten. Do this in a relaxed and easy manner and repeat three times.
  • Rub your hands together, making sure that you rub each finger. Then hold your hands in front of you, slightly apart. You may begin to feel some tingling sensations. Now visualise that you are holding a big ball of indigo energy. Place your hands above the part of the body where you are feeling pain and breathe in indigo colour. Allow it to move through the body to dissolve any pain and density.
  • Affirm “higher self, infuse this area with healing energy. Allow all the immune mechanisms of my body to activate and my body to a perfect balance and health”.
  • Breath in continuously for one minute, allowing the energy to build.
  • Imagine a warm golden light moving through your whole body and repairing it.
  • When you feel lighter, gently bring your awareness back to normal and open your eyes know you have activated your Higher Self and your own Divine Healing Intelligence.

You can use this exercise daily to either focus on a health challenge or to improve or maintain the health of your whole body.

Hope this is helpful… drop me a line if it is and I’ll share some more. Take Care

In Divine Friendship



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Simply put Acorn to Oak’s courses are second to none, the care, attention and amazing eye for detail is amazing. The concentration and space held by the facilitators is awesome. Pennie you run a tight and well-oiled team which makes everything seem easy, however I know what it takes to put on events. The love you channel is quite jaw dropping and your clarity and ability to take risks purely inspirational. I hope you may you be richly rewarded for your work. You have my heart felt gratitude for the ‘EGO’ training I have received. Thank God I found you.

Jack Webster, Managing Director

When the chance came up to go on the Reiki One weekend I knew I had to go, it just felt right. When I arrived and met everyone the excitement was almost uncontrollable, Pennie's way of doing things is... lets get stuck in and do it, I could not agree more. I don’t think I have ever taken in so much information in one weekend, the structure and way that weekend was run could not have been better. I learnt and experienced so many new things that has changed my life for for ever. Coming away from the weekend the friends I met on the Friday seemed more like family by the Sunday. Reiki One residential weekend at Gaunts House is an experience I will never forget and always look back on as the weekend that I took charge of my life and destiny. I would recommend this course to anyone who would like to know more about Reiki or just themself. A truly amazing weekend with amazing people making it possible. Thank you Pennie, Luke, Matt and Paul for your hard work over the weekend!

Adam Weller, Chippie
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