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Cultivating the soul. By Pennie Quaile-Pearce

Fri, 30 November 2012

Apuleius a Roman writer said, “Everyone should know that you can’t live in any way than by cultivating the soul.” Care can also mean cultivation; watching and participating as the seed of soul unfolds into the vast creation we call character or personality, with history, a community, a language and a unique mythology. Cultivation of the soul implies a lifelong husbanding of raw materials. Farmers cultivate their land; all of us cultivate our souls. The aim of soul work therefore is not adjustment to accepted norms or to an image of the statistically healthy individual. Rather, the goal is a richly extraordinary life, connected to society and nature, woven into the culture of family, nation and globe. The idea is not to be superficially adjusted, but to be profoundly connected in the heart to ancestors and to living brothers and sisters in all the many communities of the world.

It’s important to remember that the soul is the indestructible part of ourselves, the part that carries on after death, it cannot be hurt or harmed and in essence is perfect…however most of us have lost connection with it and cannot remember its nature and in our forgetfulness have become lost in ego and body identification.  

When wanting to reconnect to our neglected soul so we can care and nurture it an important part of the journey is training and educating the ego so it will serve the soul instead of it thinking it is the master. When ego thinks it’s ‘in charge’ it can cause chaos in your life leading to some of the symptoms mentioned earlier and more.

An un-trained ego is much like a puppy, which can be delightful, but hard work…needing constant correction and training so it will be house trained, walk to heel and know how to behave off the lead and to come back when it is called etc… with this training the puppy because more delightful and a pleasure to be around, if not trained it can become a danger to itself and others…it’s the same with ego. If that puppy is taken when trained and sent to more training it can become a blind persons dog, it is then allowed to go to places no other dog is allowed. Into shops, restaurants, the theatre on flights to mention a few. In being in service to its master it changes its very nature from a D.O.G TO A G.O.D. When an ego is well trained it put itself in service to its master the soul. If it is not trained ego will obscure the soul which leads to neglect because we cannot see it or understand it’s nature, then a lack or loss of connection ensues. In other words training the ego will lead to a healthy connection between our personality, ego and soul and we will know the totality of self. Happy days!!!


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What an eye opening weekend full of fun, learning, insights and for me how women think, feel and operate...we men are simple creatures who don't and can't live without them. Good to understand them and myself more

Steve, Shamanic Practitioner

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Gabbie Davies , Nail Tech
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